Lucky Integers- Editorial


Lucky Integers
Practice Link

Author: mugdha273

Editorialist: mugdha273

Tester: dragno99


Given an array A of size n filled with elements from Recamán’s sequence ; a_0 to a_{n-1}.

Lets define a variable res.

  • Pick any 2 elements from the array, a_i (0 \leq i \leq n-1) and a_j (i-k \leq j \leq i+k , provided it exists) such that a_i ≠ a_j and store the product of a_i and a_j into res.

  • Add any element a_p (0 \leq p \leq n-1) to res.

After performing both operations , res = a_i*a_j + a_p.

You are provided with a positive integer Y, and an integer k such that 1 \leq k \leq 3 and n, the length of the array. You have to find out the valid values of a_i, a_j, a_p such that it satisfies the equation Y = res , if it is not possible to find the suitable triplet print -1.


  • If multiple answers are possible, then consider answer having least value of a_i*a_j.

  • If a_i*a_j is same for 2 triplets, then consider answer having least value of a_i.

  • If a_i is also identical for 2 triplets, then consider answer having least value of a_j.


  • Basic STL




Let’s Break the question into parts for better understanding:

  • Precompute the Recamán sequence till n=1001 and store it in a vector, let’s say vec.

  • Observe that: k is small, so we can precompute a vector v which will store values in such a fashion that v holds pairs ((a_i * a_j, j), (a_i, a_j)).

    → Logic: v.first.first will store the value of res according to each a_i * a_j, v.first.second will hold the value of k ranging from 1 to 3 in both left and right directions so that we can utilize it later according to our input.

    → v.second.first will store value of a_i, a_j in order to find a and b as per our need.

Diving into the main function,

We’ve precomputed all possible res values for all possible k, however, our final solution is dependent on the k given in the input, therefore taking into account values as per the k given in each test case.

  • Use set s to store unique values of all possible values of (Y-res).

But why do I care about Y-res?

Well, This will provide you with values from which you may select a suitable c to add res to generate Y.

As a result, choose an appropriate c while keeping the NOTE criteria in mind.

This appears to be fairly straightforward till this point, however ignoring a few cases could land you in WAs.

(1) As per the NOTE, sort values of all a_i * a_j such that you pick correct a and b.

Example: Y= 113, we can have possible res as 90 and 110 where we can add c = 23 and 3 respectively to generate Y but 90 was generated from 9 * 10 and 110 from 11 * 10 hence we’ll go for 9,10,23 rather than 10,11,3.

This can be done by simply storing the values into a vector in a sorted manner and picking the first value.

(2) In Recamán’s sequence, with the same value of res we can get a bunch of different a_i, a_j For example, res = 2604 we can have 42 * 62 as well as 31 * 84 but we are allowed to pick only one!

(3) When “res” and “a” have the same value, it STILL yields different possibilities of b, such as a=0, b=1, and a=0, b=3, which are frequently overlooked; both have the same value of res and least possible a but we have to pick a=0, b= 1 as it is clearly mentioned in the third point of NOTE to grab least possible b if the first and second conditions are same for some set of values.


Setter's Solution in C++

/*author : Mugdha Sharma


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

#define rep(i, a, b) for (int i = a; i < b; i++)

#define repr(i, a, b) for (int i = a; i >= b; i--)

#define M 1000000007

#define all(a) (a).begin(), (a).end()

#define pb push_back

#define ll long long int

using namespace std;

vector<ll> vec;

void recaman(int n)


   if (n <= 0)



   unordered_set<int> s;


   int prev = 0;

   for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)


       int curr = prev - i;

       if (curr < 0 || s.find(curr) != s.end())

           curr = prev + i;



       prev = curr;



vector<pair<pair<ll, ll>, pair<ll, ll>>> gen()


   vector<pair<pair<ll, ll>, pair<ll, ll>>> v;

   int s = vec.size();

   rep(i, 0, s)


       unordered_set<ll> temp;

       rep(j, 1, 4)


           if ((i - j) >= 0)


               v.push_back(make_pair(make_pair(vec[i] * vec[i - j], j), (make_pair(vec[i], vec[i - j]))));







       rep(j, 1, 4)


           if ((i + j) <= s - 1)


               v.push_back(make_pair(make_pair(vec[i] * vec[i + j], j), (make_pair(vec[i], vec[i + j]))));








   return v;


int main()




   // freopen("@i6.txt", "r", stdin);

   // freopen("@o6.txt", "w", stdout);


   vector<pair<pair<ll, ll>, pair<ll, ll>>> v = gen();

   int T;

   cin >> T;

   while (T--)


       ll n;

       ll k, y;

       cin >> n >> k >> y;

       ll a, b, c;

       ll sz = (n - 6) * 6 + 24;

       set<ll> s;

       set<ll> s2;

       rep(i, 0, sz)


           if (v[i].first.second <= k)


               ll e = v[i].first.first;

               s.insert(y - e);



       for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)




       int ele;

       bool w = 0;

       for (auto x : s2)


           int sb = s.size();


           int sa = s.size();

           if (sa == sb)


               ele = x;

               w = 1;



       vector<pair<ll, ll>> vec2;

       if (w == 1)


           c = ele;

           for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)


               if ((v[i].first.first == y - c) && v[i].first.second <= k)


                   a = v[i].second.first;

                   b = v[i].second.second;

                   vec2.push_back({a, b});



           sort(vec2.begin(), vec2.end());

           a = vec2[0].first;

           b = vec2[0].second;

           cout << a << " " << b << " " << c << " " << endl;




           cout << -1 << endl;



   return 0;


Tester's Solution in Python

def recaman(n):

   s = set([])

   ls = list([])



   curr = 0

   for i in range(1 , n):

       curr = ls[-1] - i

       if curr<0 or (curr in s):

           curr = ls[-1] + i



   return ls

for _ in range(int(input())):

   [n, k, y] = (int(x) for x in input().split())

   rec_seq_list = recaman(n)

   rec_seq_set = set(rec_seq_list)

   ans = list([10000000 , -1 , -1 , -1])

   for i in range(n):

       for j in range(i - k ,i + k + 1 , 1):

           if j >= 0 and j < n and i != j :

               num = rec_seq_list[i] * rec_seq_list[j]

               need = y - num

               if need in rec_seq_set:

                   curr = list([num , rec_seq_list[i] , rec_seq_list[j] , need ])

                   ans = min(ans , curr)

   if ans[0] == 10000000:




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