Prerequisites: Matrix, Loops, Map/Priority Queue.

Problem: Given an N x M matrix, sort its elements diagonally.

Solution Approach:
The core of the solution is the fact that, elements on the same diagonal have the same row-column index difference.


  1. Initialize Data Structures: Create a map where the key represents the difference between row and column indices, and the value is a priority queue to store elements on each diagonal.
  2. Populate Diagonals: Traverse the matrix and insert each element into the appropriate diagonal in the map based on its row-column index difference.
  3. Sort Diagonals: Traverse the matrix again and replace each element with the top element of the corresponding diagonal’s priority queue, effectively sorting each diagonal.
  4. Output: print the sorted matrix.

Time Complexity:

  • Let N be the number of rows and M be the number of columns.
  • Populating Diagonals: O(N * M) to traverse all elements of the matrix.
  • Sorting Diagonals: O(N * M * log(min(N, M))) to sort each diagonal using priority queues.
  • Overall time complexity: O(N * M * log(min(N, M)))

Space Complexity:

  • Additional space is used to store the map and priority queues.
  • Space complexity: O(N * M) for the map and priority queues, and additional constant space for variables used in the program.