MAXX - Editorial


Contest: Division 1
Contest: Division 2
Contest: Division 3
Contest: Division 4

Author: helloLad
Tester: wasd2401
Editorialist: iceknight1093




Familiarity with bitwise operations


Given an integer X (which is \leq 10^9), find integers a and b such that a\ \&\ b and a\oplus b are both positive and divisible by X.


Suppose we only had the condition on bitwise AND, i.e, we want to find a and b such that their AND is positive and divisible by X.
A rather simple solution in this case would be to just take a=b=X, since X\ \&\ X = X for any X.

Unfortunately X\oplus X = 0, so the bitwise XOR isn’t positive.

One way to fix this, is to simply place a shifted copy of X alongside X, that is, 2^K \cdot X for some large enough K.
For example, consider X = 13, which is 1011 in binary.
Then, if you take a=X and b=X + 2^{10} \cdot X, you’ll get in binary:

a=00000000001011 \\ b=10110000001011

Note that their bitwise AND is still exactly X (as long as K is large enough, 2^K\cdot X won’t conflict with the existing bits of X, and will just cancel out in the bitwise AND.
Further, their bitwise XOR is exactly 2^K\cdot X (since the X's will cancel out now), which is also a multiple of X.

The question now is, what should K be?
It should satisfy two constraints:

  • K should be such that it doesn’t interfere with the existing bits of X.
    • Notice that this is automatically satisfied when K is ‘large enough’, i.e, when 2^K \gt X.
  • K should also satisfy X + 2^K \cdot X \leq 8\cdot 10^{18}, since that’s our upper bound on a and b.

One simple solution is to just choose K = 32 always.
Since X \leq 10^9, 2^{32} is certainly greater than every X, and you can verify that no value ever exceeds 8\cdot 10^{18}.

tl;dr choose a = X and b = X + 2^{32}\cdot X.


\mathcal{O}(1) per testcase.


Editorialist's code (Python)
for _ in range(int(input())):
    x = int(input())
    print(x, x + (x << 31))

Well I noticed that a|b = a⊕b + a&b everytime and confirmed from this blogentry94470. Since a⊕b and a&b must be divisible by x their sum will definitely be. So If I think of this problem as finding a and b such that a|b is divisible by x can this help me approach the solution in a different way?

Has anyone tried doing this, will the approach then be the same or can we approach it in different way past this observation??