Maybe a bug in lunchtime prizes distribution

after a while of participating in LTIME81A
I received this email:

it says that I won some prize because of being among the top 5, but this is wrong, my rank was 89, not even close to top 5.
if this is a bug, please fix it so the prizes go to the ones who really deserve it.
or if it’s not a bug, then what is it?

It says Random Laddus…Some Laddus are also distributed randomly among all participants,maybe it’s that.

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yeah broooo… CC gives random laddus and u r lucky :slight_smile:

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@ashk_21 @ssrivastava990 thanks for replying
yeah maybe it’s completely random
but it said “top 5 random”, then it should be among the top 5 participants, that’s why I posted it,
but yeah maybe it’s random among all participants :sweat_smile:

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