Mice and Maze Spoj doubt

@ssjgz @cubefreak777 @suman_18733097 @cherry0697
plz have a look

Link to the problem .

The solution for this problem is dijekstra with reverse edges .
But how is it possible
Consider following testcase .
1 2 2
1 3 1
2 1 1
2 4 1
3 1 1
3 4 1
4 2 2
4 3 1
here we have 4 nodes and 8 edges
and end cell is 2 and if mice are placed at 1 and 4 their minimum distance will be 1 and 1 from 2 using dijestra with reverse edge .
But as we can see from edges the weight of edge 1 to 2 is 2 and same for 4
then how can we minimize the distance using weight of edge from 2 to 1 . as mice is placed in 1 it should be minimized using weight of edge from 1 to 2 but dijestra with reverse edges reduces dist using edges from 2 to 1 like
you have to go from 1 to 2 and your are minimizing dist using edge 2 to 1 instead of minimizing it using edge from 1 to 2 .
But we have travel from 1 to 2 how can we minimize this distance using edge 2 to 1