MULT9 - Editorial


Contest: Division 1
Contest: Division 2
Contest: Division 3
Contest: Division 4

Author: cstuart
Tester: apoorv_me
Editorialist: iceknight1093






You’re given a large integer, with some of its digits replaced with question marks.
Find the number of ways to replace the question marks with digits, such that:

  • The resulting number is a positive integer with no leading zeros; and
  • It’s divisible by 9.


It’s well-known that a number is divisible by 9 if and only if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9.
This fact will be useful in solving the task at hand.

Let S denote the sum of the known digits of our integer, modulo 9.
Clearly, our task is to fill in the question marks such that their sum is congruent to 9-S modulo 9.
Of course, we also need to ensure that there are no leading zeros in the resulting integer.

Suppose there are K question marks. Let’s look at a couple of cases.

Case 1: S_1 = \ ?, i.e, the first character is a question mark.
There are K-1 question marks other than the first one.
Suppose we fix the digits we’re placing at these other question marks: there are 10 choices for each one, for 10^{K-1} ways in total.
Then, note that the digit we must place at S_1 is uniquely determined!

This is because S_1 must be chosen so that the overall sum of digits is 0\pmod 9.
So, if the sum of all the other digits is X, S_1 must be (9-X)\pmod 9.
Since S_1 is not allowed to be zero, there’s a unique choice of S_1 for each value of X.

Thus, the answer in this case is just 10^{K-1}.
Note that this is just 1 followed by K-1 zeros, as in 1\,\underbrace{000\ldots000}_{K-1\text{ times}}.
So, it can be printed as such (without having to explicitly calculate it via arithmetic).

Case 2: S_1 \neq \ ?
Now, we no longer have to deal with the leading zero constraint (since the input guarantees that the leftmost character is not 0).
Let’s attempt to count the number of ways.

  • Consider the leftmost question mark.
    Using the logic from case 1, we see that there are 10^{K-1} configurations where it isn’t 0.
  • Next, fix the leftmost question mark to be 0.
    Then, the same logic tells us that there are 10^{K-2} configurations where the second question mark isn’t 0.
  • Similarly, there are 10^{K-3} configurations where the first two question marks are 0, and the third isn’t.
  • There are 10^0 configurations where the first K-1 question marks are fixed to 0, and the last one isn’t zero.

Adding everything up, we see that the total number of ways is

10^{K-1} + 10^{K-2} + 10^{K-3} + \ldots + 10^1 + 10^0 \\ = \underbrace{1111\ldots 111}_{K \text{ times}}

Once again, this can be directly printed without having to do any arithmetic.

There’s one final edge case: if the required remainder is 0, it’s allowed for all the question marks to be filled with zeros; so in this case we must add 1 to the answer.
So, in this case alone, print 2 instead of 1 as the final digit.


\mathcal{O}(N) per testcase.


Author's code (C++)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int T, N, sum_digit, rem, cnt_qn;
string num;

int main()
	cin >> T;
	for (int t = 1; t <= T; t++)
		cin >> N >> num;
		sum_digit = 0;
		cnt_qn = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
			char ch = num[i];
			if (ch == '?') cnt_qn++;
			else sum_digit += (ch - '0');
		rem = 9 - (sum_digit % 9);
		if (num[0] == '?')
			cout << '1';
			for (int i = 0; i < cnt_qn - 1; i++) cout << '0';
		else if (rem == 9)
			for (int i = 0; i < cnt_qn - 1; i++) cout << '1';
			cout << '2';
			for (int i = 0; i < cnt_qn; i++) cout << '1';
		cout << '\n';
	return 0;
Tester's code (C++)
#ifndef LOCAL
#pragma GCC optimize("O3,unroll-loops")
#pragma GCC target("avx,avx2,sse,sse2,sse3,sse4,popcnt,fma")

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

#ifdef LOCAL
#include "../debug.h"
#define dbg(...) "11-111"

struct input_checker {
	string buffer;
	int pos;

	const string all = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
	const string number = "0123456789";
	const string lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

	input_checker() {
		pos = 0;
		while (true) {
			int c = cin.get();
			if (c == -1) {
			buffer.push_back((char) c);

	int nextDelimiter() {
		int now = pos;
		while (now < (int) buffer.size() && buffer[now] != ' ' && buffer[now] != '\n') {
		return now;

	string readOne() {
		assert(pos < (int) buffer.size());
		int nxt = nextDelimiter();
		string res;
		while (pos < nxt) {
			res += buffer[pos];
		return res;

	string readString(int minl, int maxl, const string &pattern = "") {
		assert(minl <= maxl);
		string res = readOne();
		assert(minl <= (int) res.size());
		assert((int) res.size() <= maxl);
		for (int i = 0; i < (int) res.size(); i++) {
			assert(pattern.empty() || pattern.find(res[i]) != string::npos);
		return res;

	int readInt(int minv, int maxv) {
		assert(minv <= maxv);
		int res = stoi(readOne());
		assert(minv <= res);
		assert(res <= maxv);
		return res;

	long long readLong(long long minv, long long maxv) {
		assert(minv <= maxv);
		long long res = stoll(readOne());
		assert(minv <= res);
		assert(res <= maxv);
		return res;

	auto readInts(int n, int minv, int maxv) {
		assert(n >= 0);
		vector<int> v(n);
		for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
			v[i] = readInt(minv, maxv);
			if (i+1 < n) readSpace();
		return v;

	auto readLongs(int n, long long minv, long long maxv) {
		assert(n >= 0);
		vector<long long> v(n);
		for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
			v[i] = readLong(minv, maxv);
			if (i+1 < n) readSpace();
		return v;

	void readSpace() {
		assert((int) buffer.size() > pos);
		assert(buffer[pos] == ' ');

	void readEoln() {
		assert((int) buffer.size() > pos);
		assert(buffer[pos] == '\n');

	void readEof() {
		assert((int) buffer.size() == pos);

int mod;
struct mi {
    int64_t v; explicit operator int64_t() const { return v % mod; }
    mi() { v = 0; }
    mi(int64_t _v) {
        v = (-mod < _v && _v < mod) ? _v : _v % mod;
        if (v < 0) v += mod;
    friend bool operator==(const mi& a, const mi& b) {
        return a.v == b.v; }
    friend bool operator!=(const mi& a, const mi& b) {
        return !(a == b); }
    friend bool operator<(const mi& a, const mi& b) {
        return a.v < b.v; }

    mi& operator+=(const mi& m) {
        if ((v += m.v) >= mod) v -= mod;
        return *this; }
    mi& operator-=(const mi& m) {
        if ((v -= m.v) < 0) v += mod;
        return *this; }
    mi& operator*=(const mi& m) {
        v = v*m.v%mod; return *this; }
    mi& operator/=(const mi& m) { return (*this) *= inv(m); }
    friend mi pow(mi a, int64_t p) {
        mi ans = 1; assert(p >= 0);
        for (; p; p /= 2, a *= a) if (p&1) ans *= a;
        return ans;
    friend mi inv(const mi& a) { assert(a.v != 0);
        return pow(a,mod-2); }

    mi operator-() const { return mi(-v); }
    mi& operator++() { return *this += 1; }
    mi& operator--() { return *this -= 1; }
    mi operator++(int32_t) { mi temp; temp.v = v++; return temp; }
    mi operator--(int32_t) { mi temp; temp.v = v--; return temp; }
    friend mi operator+(mi a, const mi& b) { return a += b; }
    friend mi operator-(mi a, const mi& b) { return a -= b; }
    friend mi operator*(mi a, const mi& b) { return a *= b; }
    friend mi operator/(mi a, const mi& b) { return a /= b; }
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const mi& m) {
        os << m.v; return os;
    friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, mi& m) {
        int64_t x; is >> x;
        m.v = x;
        return is;
    friend void __print(const mi &x) {
        cerr << x.v;

bool prime(int s) {
    for(int i = 2 ; i * i <= s ; i++) {
        if(s % i == 0)  return false;
    return true;

int32_t main() {
    ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0);   cin.tie(0);

    input_checker input;

    int sum_n = 0;
    auto __solve_testcase = [&](int testcase) -> void {
        int n = input.readInt(1, (int)1e5); input.readEoln();
        sum_n += n;
        string s = input.readString(n, n, "0123456789?");   input.readEoln();
        assert(s.front() != '0');

        int sum = 0, sz = n;
        for(auto &c : s) if(c != '?')   sum += c - '0', sz--;
        sum %= 9;
        if(s.front() == '?') {
            string rs(sz, '0');
            rs[0] = '1';
            cout << rs << '\n';

        auto calc = [&](int N, int M) {
            M = 9 - M;
            if(M == 9)  M = 0;
            string v(N, '1');
            if(M == 0)  v.back() += 1;
            return v;

        if(sum >= 9)    sum -= 9;
        cout << calc(sz, sum) << '\n';
    int no_of_tests = input.readInt(1, (int)1e5);   input.readEoln();
    for(int test_no = 1 ; test_no <= no_of_tests ; test_no++)

    assert(sum_n <= (int)1e5);


    return 0;
Editorialist's code (Python)
for _ in range(int(input())):
    n = int(input())
    s = input()
    ct = s.count('?')
    if s[0] == '?': print('1' + '0'*(ct-1))
        rem = 0
        for c in s:
            if c != '?': rem -= ord(c) - ord('0')
        rem %= 9
        if rem > 0: print('1'*ct)
        else: print('1'*(ct-1) + '2')

Anyone with dp solution? reply with code

This is DP solution wont pass all the test cases due because we are using mod to avoid integer overflow

but for your reference this is my attempt which failed during contest

 Author: Aditya Raghav [ zerojude ]

#include <iostream>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

#define int long long
#define all(x) begin(x) , end(x) 
#define mask(i) (1LL << (i))
// const int mod = pow(10,9)+7 ;
const int mod = LONG_MAX ;
const int MAX = pow(10,5)+1 ;
const int dx[8] = { 1 , -1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , -1 , -1 } ;
const int dy[8] = { 0 , 0 , 1 , -1 , 1 , -1 , 1 , -1 } ;
int mod_pow( int a , int b )
    if( a == 0 || a == 1 ) return a ;
    if( b == 0 )return 1 ;
    int ha = mod_pow( a , b/2 ); ha *= ha; ha %= mod ; if( b&1 ) ha *= a ;
    return ha%mod ;
int inverse( int a )
    return mod_pow(a,mod-2);
vector<int> factorial( int N = MAX )
	for( int i = 2 ; i < N ; i++ )f[i] = (i*f[i-1])%mod;
	return f ;
#define oo (int)pow(2L,60)
#define arr array<int,3> 
#define ar array<int,2>

/********** GO DOWN ***********/

   If the genius trains just as hard.... 
   what chance do I have to beat him? 

int32_t main() {
	// your code goes here

	auto solve = [&]()->void
		int N ;
		cin>>N ;
		string A ;
		cin>>A ;

		int dp[N][9];
		memset( dp , 0 , sizeof dp );

		if( A[0] == '?' )
			for( int j = 0 ; j < 9 ; j++ )
				dp[0][j] = 1 ;
			int k = A[0]-'0';
			k %= 9 ;
			dp[0][k] = 1 ;

		for( int i = 1 ; i < N ; i++ )
		for( int l = 0 ; l < 9 ; l++ )
				for( int k = 0 ; k <= 9 ; k++ )
					int curr = (l+k)%9 ;

					dp[i][curr] += dp[i-1][l];
					dp[i][curr] %= mod ;
				int k = A[i]-'0';
				int curr = (l+k)%9 ;

				dp[i][curr] += dp[i-1][l] ;
				dp[i][curr] %= mod ;


    int test = 1 ;
	return 0;