MXMNSSUM - Editorial


Contest - Division 3
Contest - Division 2
Contest - Division 1




Dynamic Programming, Binary Search, Range Minimum Queries, Coordinate Compression


Given array A and integer K. Determine the largest value s such that, it is possible to partition A into K contiguous blocks, where the sum of elements of each block is \ge s.


Let s be the largest integer such that it is possible to partition A into K contiguous blocks, where the sum of elements of each block is \ge s. This value is the answer we are looking for.

Step 1: Use binary searching to find the value of s.

Why? How?

Let solve(d) represent whether it is possible to partition A into K blocks, where the sum of elements of each block is \ge d. Let solve(d) equal 1 if it’s possible to partition, and 0 otherwise.

Observation 1: If solve(d)=1, then solve(d')=1 for all d\ge d'.
(The proof is trivial and left to the reader as an exercise)

Observation 2: If solve(d)=0, then solve(d')=0 for all d'\ge d.


We prove by contradiction.
Say there exists d'\ge d such that solve(d)=0 and solve(d')=1.

By the previous observation, solve(d')=1 implies solve(x)=1 for all d'\ge x. But solve(d)=0 - a contradiction and we are done.

The two observations imply the monotonic structure of the function solve, sufficiently allowing us to binary search to find the answer.

Let d be the currently considered value in the binary search. Now, we want to check if it’s possible to partition A into K blocks, each whose sum \ge d.

Definition: Call an array of elements good, if the sum of its elements \ge d.

Let dp_i be the set of all positive integers k, such that it is possible to partition the first i elements of A into k good subarrays. I claim that dp_i is a (possibly empty) set of consecutive integers, for all i.


Since the proof has a lot in common with the logic of the solution, reading the rest of the editorial first will make the proof much more clearer.

Let pref(x)=A_1+A_2+\dots+A_x.

Computing dp_i is straightforward, and can be described mathematically as:

dp_i = \{x+1\mid x\in dp_j \space\forall\space j<i\text{ and } pref(j)\le pref(i)-d\}

Let’s define G_i[v] as the set of integers x, such that it is possible to partition the first j elements of A into x good subarrays, where j<i and pref(j)=v.

G_{i+1}[v] = \begin{cases} G_i[v]\cup dp_i, &\text{if } pref(i)=v\\ G_i[v], &\text{otherwise} \end{cases}

This recurrence is derived from a simple (yet important!) observation, the proof of which is left to the reader as an exercise.

Finally (the last definition, bear with me), let’s define H_i[v] = G_i[v]\cup H_i[v-1]. That is, H_i[v] is the union of all sets G_i[v'] with v'\le v. It is easy to deduce that H_i[v'] is always subset of H_i[v].

Informally, H_i[v] can be described as the set of integers x, such that it is possible to partition the first j elements of A into x good subarrays, where j<i and pref(j)\le v.

Then, we can rewrite the set relation of dp_i (mentioned at the start) as:

dp_i=\{x+1\mid x\in H_i[pref(i)-d]\}

Thus, if we prove that H_i[v] is a (possibly empty) set of consecutive integers for all v, then dp_i is also a (possibly empty) set of consecutive integers, completing the proof.

We prove by induction.
Assume for a particular n, H_n[v] is a set of consecutive integers, for all v. Let us prove by inducting on n.

\begin{aligned} H_{n+1}[v]&=G_{n+1}[v]\cup G_{n+1}[v-1]\cup\dots\\ &=\begin{cases} (G_n[v]\cup G_n[v-1]\cup\dots)\cup dp_n, &\text{if } pref(n)\le v\\ (G_n[v]\cup G_n[v-1]\cup\dots), &\text{otherwise} \end{cases} \\\\ &=\begin{cases} H_n[v]\cup dp_n, &\text{if } pref(n)\le v\\ H_n[v], &\text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{aligned}

H_{n+1}[v] = H_n[v] implies our proposition holds for H_{n+1}[v] (since by our assumption, it holds for H_n[v]). So, lets only focus on the former case, which can be expanded as:

H_{n+1}[v] = H_n[v]\cup \{x+1\mid x\in H_n[pref(n)-d]\}

One of H_{n+1}[v], H_n[pref(n)-d] is a subset of the other. A bit of case work shows that, the union of two overlapping sets of consecutive integers, after shifting all values of one set by 1, is still a set of consecutive integers. Therefore, the proposition holds true for H_{n+1}[v], establishing the inductive step.

The trivial case of n=0 has H_0[v]=\varnothing for all v, which matches our proposition.

Thus proved.

Why is this claim important? The claim implies that the set of values of dp_i is made up of all integers in some range [L_i,R_i]. Then, A can partitioned into K good subarrays only if L_N\le K\le R_N.

All that remains now is to calculate L_i and R_i efficiently.

Suboptimal solution

A straightforward DP recurrence relation gives:

L_i = 1+\min L_j\\ R_i = 1+\max R_j

where j<i and \sum_{x=j+1}^i A_x \ge d.

This can be calculated in O(N^2), enough for subtask 2, but not viable for the original constraints.

Optimised solution

Let pref(x)=A_1+A_2+\dots+A_x.

The suboptimal solution can be rewritten as:

L_i = 1+\min L_j\\ R_i = 1+\max R_j

where j<i and pref(i)-pref(j) \ge d\implies pref(j)\le pref(i)-d.

Let mini_x represent the set of all L_j such that, j<i and pref(j)=x. Similarly, let maxi_x represent the set of all R_j such that, j<i and pref(j)=x.
Then, from the above stated recurrence constraint, it is easy to see

\begin{aligned} L_i &= 1+\min_{x\le pref(i)-d}(\min mini_x)\\ R_i &= 1+\max_{x\le pref(i)-d}(\max maxi_x) \end{aligned}

This can be done easily using range minimum queries on mini and maxi, typically using a Segment Tree/Fenwick Tree with coordinate compression (since the range of x in mini_x/maxi_x is [-1e14, +1e14]).

The time complexity of this approach is O(N\log N), which is efficient enough to AC for the given constraints!

To summarise, binary search for the answer - let the midpoint value we are currently trying be d. For this particular d, calculate [L_i,R_i] for all i, in subquadratic time. Then, A can be partitioned into K subarrays, each with sum of elements \ge d, only if L_N\le K\le R_N. Return the result and continue the binary search until it converges.


Binary searching for the answer takes O(\log S), where S is the size of the answer space (S\le 2\times10^{14}). Calculating [L_i, R_i] for each d (using the memory efficient method) takes O(N\log N).
The total time complexity is therefore

O(N\log N\log S)

per test case.


Editorialist’s solution can be found here.
Author’s solution can be found here.
Tester’s solution can be found here.

Experimental: For evaluation purposes, please rate the editorial (1 being poor and 5 excellent)

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0 voters

well you don’t need to maintain L values. it suffices to know R values , cuz if R >= 1 , then L = 1 always.