MXWATR - Editorial

Problem statement - Maximum water in a section

Problem statement -

Chef owns a swimming pool with width N meters which contains N continuous walls with height h[i] (possible zero) and width 1 meter each.

When it rains heavily, water is stored in the swimming pool in the form of sections (check Figure 1). Chef is busy calling his friends for a party. So, you need to determine the maximum water stored in a section among all the sections after a heavy rain.


We use a stack to track wall heights while iterating through the array:

  • Push the current wall index onto the stack.
  • If the current wall is taller than the top of the stack, pop the stack to calculate water trapped based on the height difference between the surrounding walls.
  • Update the array that tracks the trapped water for each wall.
  • After processing, the maximum value from this array gives the most water stored.

This ensures efficient water calculation between walls.

Time Complexity

  • O(N): The algorithm processes each wall height once and each wall is pushed and popped from the stack at most once.

Space Complexity

  • O(N): The stack and the dp array both require space proportional to the number of walls N.