My Program give Compilation Error on CodeChef but run fine on test case

Hello, i’m having an issue when i try to answer this problem :

My answer get a Compilation error when i submit it on codechef but when i run the test case using a codechef also. it doesnt give any compilation error. The Compilation error say this

{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}: Fatal error: can’t write 38 bytes to section .comment of /home/nFTYXb/ccPTK0by.o because: ‘No space left on device’
{standard input}: Fatal error: can’t close /home/nFTYXb/ccPTK0by.o: No space left on device

I dont know what that means, can somebody please help me?

My code is like this :

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

int main() {
	int T;
	for(int tt = 0; tt<T; tt++){
	    int selisihGoal[4];
	    string club[4];
	    int skorPerClub[4];
	    for(int i = 0; i<4; i++){
	        skorPerClub[i] = 0;
	        club[i] = "";
	        selisihGoal[i] = 0;
	    int banyakClubYangDahMasuk = 0;
	    string Home, Away, random;
	    int SkorHome, SkorAway;
	    for(int i = 0; i<12; i++){
	        int indexHome = 0, indexAway = 0;
	        for(int j = 0; j<4; j++){
	            if(Home == club[j]){
	                indexHome = j;
	            }else if(j == 3 && Home != club[j]){
	                indexHome = banyakClubYangDahMasuk;
	                club[banyakClubYangDahMasuk] = Home;
	        for(int j = 0; j<4; j++){
	            if(Away == club[j]){
	                indexAway = j;
	            }else if(j == 3 && Away != club[j]){
	                indexAway = banyakClubYangDahMasuk;
	                club[banyakClubYangDahMasuk] = Away;
	        if(SkorHome > SkorAway){
	            skorPerClub[indexHome] += 3;
	            selisihGoal[indexHome] += SkorHome-SkorAway;
	            selisihGoal[indexAway] += SkorAway-SkorHome;
	        }else if(SkorAway > SkorHome){
	            skorPerClub[indexAway] += 3;
	            selisihGoal[indexAway] += SkorAway-SkorHome;
	            selisihGoal[indexHome] += SkorHome-SkorAway;
        for(int i = 0; i<3; i++){
            for(int j = 0; j<3-i; j++){
                if(skorPerClub[j] < skorPerClub[j+1]){
                    swap(skorPerClub[j], skorPerClub[j+1]);
                    swap(selisihGoal[j], selisihGoal[j+1]);
                    swap(club[j], club[j+1]);
                }else if(skorPerClub[j] == skorPerClub[j+1] && selisihGoal[j] < selisihGoal[j+1]){
                    swap(skorPerClub[j], skorPerClub[j+1]);
                    swap(selisihGoal[j], selisihGoal[j+1]);
                    swap(club[j], club[j+1]);
	    cout<<club[0]<<" "<<club[1]<<endl;

please help!!
question FLOW002 Problem - CodeChef
my answer
using namespace std;
int func(int a, int b)
int sol=a%b;
return sol;
int main()
int T;
for(int i=0;i<T;i++)
int a,b;
return 0;
it is showing compilation error ( consider me as an absolute beginner , please help!! )

Hello @vishwas_10, I guess there is some problem with codechef server, as i am getting this same compilation error on a different question. Hope that they resolve it soon.

Thanks for reporting. It should hopefully be fixed now. Please try submitting again.

I made no changes and it already gave a correct answer verdict. Thanks

question : FCTRL2 Problem - CodeChef
my solution :
using namespace std;
int main()
int t;
for(int i=0;i<t;i++)
int n,fact=1;
for(int j=1;j<=n;j++)
return 0;
it is showing wrong answer but the test case is running fine please help