hey guys,

thanks for checking out this post. I started learning programming and working towards to learn DSA. So, for that i needed a friend who can help me in contests and problems that can be benificial for both of us.

kindly reply if you are interested,

Yo dm me bro
Insta- "underscore(symbol)“bishwathakur"underscore(symbol)”

Not the " ", only because it made text italic only

cant find your account due to the confusion from which you mentioned " Symbol" .
DM me:

wanna be friends?

Hey hi vansh,
Sorry for replying late I didn’t see your message as I am not online very much due to issues of my own pls DM me on my Instagram wtfisthiscode

Sent u request bro

Yeh bro lets be friends

i new to this aswell def love to get to know fellow coders

can i be your friend as well
i also need some friends who have similar goals like me
my insta - “dik.shant047”

Just added you on instagram

hi semicolonsucks :sweat_smile:, I am on the same stage as you too would like to be friends too and ya semicolon really sucks :joy:.
insta handle - _anuu.___126125

hi iam in first year of college learining c++ etc …can we join too?