Need Help! and Suggestions :(

ohh…thanks,but he had probably solved thousand of problems on other judges.

Gosh - this “stopstalk” site works really well - I knew I used to solve questions using the Hackerrank IDE and not storing a copy locally (shudder), but I didn’t know it was this many.

Here’s my profile:

Much better than find and grep :slight_smile:


I will answer your question in steps This answer is solely based on my journey till now .
Step 1: Analysis the constraints properly . Remember 1sec=10^8 operation principal u should analysis whether your code pass all test cases within limit or not.
Step 2: Convertion of thoughts into codes
Learn all fundamentals library function/containers of your favourite language. For example in c++
U should have good knowledge of stl u should know and able to use vectors,sets,maps ,pairs, priority queue,and combination of these like vector of pairs ,map of vectors etc.
By doing these two steps u should be able to solve 2-4 problems in div2 long challenges
Step 3:Learn important data structures and algorithms .
U should know proof and use of these algorithms . The better your knowledge the more comfortable u will become while solving problems.
few algorithm that commonly used are

  1. Range queries (segment trees,Fenwick trees)
  2. Dfs,bfs, Dijkstra
  3. Dynamic programming
  4. Preprocessing,sieve method
  5. Modulo properties
  6. Two pointers, binary search
    Step 4: Practice practice practice
    Participate in contest do upsolving problems as much as u can.
    Cover all remaining topics such as min-cut max flow dp on trees,dp on graph ,meet in middle by upsolving or just solving in practice section.
    Learn on the go while solving problems. It’s a long journey and u will enjoy it a lot.