New features in Competitive Programming Helper extension

Hey all!

I’m glad to announce the much requested features to the Competitive Programming Helper extension for VS Code.


What’s new ?

  • You can now choose custom compiler flags for g++, such as -std=c++11 or -Wall.
  • To make your working directory clean, you can choose a custom location for saving generated testcases and binaries.
  • A video has been added to the readme to make first time use easier.

Install Now :

There are several ways :

Source Code

The project is open source. Check out The GitHub repository

Report Bugs/ Feature Requests

Please report bugs at the github repository. I will also be glad to accept feature requests! Just create an issue.

Until next time!



It’s a really nice tool to increase the productivity when solving problems. Great work.
I had query that, does the extension support programs written in C or python?

Thank you for your kind words.
It supports C, but not python.

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Thanks, I hope you will add different language support in the future.