Please help, I really need to solve this. any lead will be helpful

I think its some variant of 01 knapsack problem. But I cant figure out the solution? anybody have any idea? any deal will help.,maximum%20possible%20energy%20is%209.

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I am not sure but i think we need to have one extra state to know how many BluesLtd products have been covered until now i.e
dp will be
dp[i][j][0] - max total energy value if we consider only 1st i values and having weight j and we haven’t taken any BluesLtd(which represents 0).
dp[i][j][1] - max total energy value if we consider only 1st i values and having weight j and we have taken exactly one BluesLtd(which represents 1).
dp[i][j][2] - max total energy value if we consider only 1st i values and having weight j and we have taken more than one BluesLtd(which represents 2).
This is the basic idea.


This question is a variation of 0/1 Knapsack


If I write the solution to this question It will pass your all test case
except In that case when my code selects only one Blue.
But still, I am trying to solve the question completely If I solved your question I will send the link of my code.

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