Please help me to solve this problem related to maths : )

Problem Link

My approach :-

  1. x and y is the length of the rectange so we need length and breadth closer to x and y respectively.

  2. Initialy let len1=-1, len2=-1, br1=-1, br2=-1 . Then we will get len1 = c * (x/c),
    len2 = c * (x/c+1) , br1 = c * (y/c), br2 = c * (y/c +1).

  3. if any of the len or br gets equal to 0 than we will discard it from further calculation . target = x * y .

  4. finally we will find (val1 * br1) , (val1 * br2), (val2 * br1) and (val2 * br2). Select the one which is closest to the target.

My Code :-

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long int ll; 

ll compare(ll a,ll b,ll tar,ll ans)
      ll val = a*b;
      ll curr=abs(val-tar);
      ll old=abs(ans-tar);
      //cout<<"curr and old are "<<curr<<" "<<old<<endl;
      //cout<<curr<<" "<<old<<endl;
     ans = (curr<old)? val:ans;
    return ans ;

int main()
  //write your code here
  int t ; cin>>t; 
  for(int i=0;i<t;i++)
    ll x,y,c; cin>>x>>y>>c; 
    ll val1=-1,val2=-1,val3=-1,val4=-1;
      ll z=x/c; 
      val1=z*c; z++; val2=z*c; 
      ll z=y/c; 
      val3=z*c; z++; val4=z*c;
    ll ans = LLONG_MAX ;
    ll tar=x*y; 
   /* cout<<"val1, val2 , val3 , val4 , tar, ans "
    <<val1<<" "<<val2<<" "<<val3<<" "<<val4<<" "
    <<tar<<" "<<ans<<" "<<endl; */
    ans = compare(val1,val3,tar,ans);
    ans = compare(val1,val4,tar,ans);
    ans = compare(val2,val3,tar,ans);
    ans = compare(val2,val4,tar,ans);
  return 0;

I haven’t implemented it yet, but what I would do is:

  1. calculate area of rectangle
  2. calculate area of one square
  3. divide area of rectangle by area of square
  4. Round to nearest whole number
  5. That’s your answer!
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Thanks :smiley:

Here is an efficient way in Tyl language,
getcloser gets the closest side value
getarea cascades from the trivial areas to the approximate

input _testnum
testnum number.of _testnum

i testnum ~
 input numa
 input numb
 input numc

 print getarea numa numb numc

getarea a b c »
 ma math.mod a c
 mb math.mod b c
 ea not ma
 eb not mb

 ea • eb ?
  a • b
  ea ?
   a • getcloser b c mb
   eb ?
    b • getcloser a c ma
    result getcloser a c ma
    result •• getcloser b c mb

getcloser num div mod »
 div2 div ÷ 2
 mod <= div2 ?
  div • math.floor num ÷ div
  div • math.ceil num ÷ div

Note that your specification says that you should match the area as closely as possible, not the length and breadth.

So if you have (X,Y,C) = (14,9,5), the closest match on dimensions would imply you want 6 squares in a 3\times 2 layout . However the rectangle area is 14\times 9 = 126 which is closely matched by using 5 squares, 5\times 5^2 = 125, which you will not find by your process.

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