Please provide hint for this problem : )

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For odd numbers greatest divisor is the number itself, for even numbers keep dividing by 2 till possible.

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I have done the same thing but it is giving giving time limit exceed . And when I am trying to store the result in a vector its giving memory limit exceed .

Can you provide AC solution and algorithm becuase there may be Time Limit exceed or Memory Limit Exceed issue while solving this problem

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define ll long long
int main()
  //write your code here
  int t; cin >> t;
  ll n; cin >> n;
  ll x = (n+1)/2;
  ll ans = 0;
  ans += x*x;

  ll ok = 0;
  ll k = 2;
  while(k <= n){
    ok = n/k;
    ok = (ok+1)/2;
    ans += ok*ok ;
    k = k*2;
  cout << ans << endl;
  return 0;

→ All odd values will be added to the answer
→ For even values take all values which have 2odd no, 4odd no, 8odd no, 16odd no… separately
i.e 2,6,10,14,18,22,26, … → sum of 1,3,5,7…
4,12,20,28,36,44… → sum of 1,3,5,7…
8,24,40,56,72… → sum of 1,3,5,7…
16,48,80 … → sum of 1,3,5,…

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Sir, I was unable to understand about how to find the greatest common divisor of the even numbers .
Please explain again .

there is no need for gcd

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Suppose if n=10
then we know that :-
Total Even Number=5 and Total Odd Numbers =5
Greatest odd divisor for odd no will be that no itself so totalsum for that part
will be (TotalOddNumber*TotalOddNumber)
But how to find total sum of all the greatest odd divisor for the even numbers ?

2,6,10 → 1,3,5
4 → 1
8 → 1
→ For even values take all values which have 2odd no, 4 odd no, 8odd no, 16 odd no… separately
i.e 2,6,10,14,18,22,26, … → 1,3,5,7…
4,12,20,28,36,44… → 1,3,5,7…
8,24,40,56,72… → 1,3,5,7…
16,48,80 … → 1,3,5,…
now u should be able to find the pattern

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Thanks :smile:

I request you to please help me for this problem too.
Problem Link :- Sell The Candies