POLYREL - Editorial

Same. Dp approach is the easiest for this.

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Video Explanation : Polygon Relationship || CodeChef August Cook-Off 2020 || CODECHEF - YouTube

ll dp[1000000];
dp[3] = 3 , dp[4] = 4, dp[5] = 5;
for (int i = 6; i <= 100000; i++) {
dp[i] = i + dp[i / 2];
For each n, print dp[n] xD


is it not possible that there are more than one child polygons.if it is,in that case the total number of sides will automatically increases

I suggest to edit the question and some places of answer where vertices are named as edges .
vertices is the number of corners of polygon.
edges implies number of sides for a polygon.
In the question we take n input of edges (sides), not vertices.

I found a new approach.
The explanation is more complicated, but it is very easy to code and does not require a loop to calculate the result.

The first step is to find the value of C = (N/2) + (N/4) + (N/8)...
If N is the power of 2, C = (N*2)-1. Likewise, if you split into powers of 2 then C = (P[1]*2-1)+(P[2]*2-1)... where P is a list of powers of 2 which adds up to N. Example: if N = 26, P = [16,8,2]
The value of (P1*2)+(P2*2)... is equal to N*2.
Therefore C = N*2-m where m is the number of powers of 2 which add up to N.
The value of m is the same as the number of number of ones in the binary form of N.
Therefore C = N*2 - ( no. of ones in the binary form of N)
The second and last step is to subtract a number s from C considering a polygon cannot have < 3 sides. If the last possible polygon has 3 sides, s = 3/2 = . Else if the last possible polygon has 4 (or 5) sides, s = (4/2) +(4/4) = 3
Checking the last possible polygon. In the first case, the binary form of N will start with 11 (3 in binary). s can bi determined based on this.
My Code:

	T = input()
	for i in range(T):
			N = input()
			for i in range(N): # Inputs for x,y axis
					raw_input() #irrelevant, so  no need to store them
			B = bin(N)[2:] # Binary form of N
			ones = sum(map(int,list(B) ) ) # number of ones in B
			R = N*2-ones
			#Reducing R considering polygons can't have less than 3 sides
			if B[:2] == '11': # if the last possible polygon has 3 sides
				R -= 1
			else: # if the last possible polygon has 4 or 5 sides
				R -= 3 # (2+1)
	    print R

@psychik @pandey__ji

how to find that given coordinates point aren’t making a closed curve?

My this solution is correct
Solution: 48833128 | CodeChef

and this solution is WA
Solution: 48833039 | CodeChef

Can anybody please explain why ?