Print All Divisors of Number in Increasing Order (Code Vita)

Bro here is the simple brute Force approach which completely passes all the test case ( it really sucks)

//Divine Divisors*

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
	int test;
	for(int j=0; j<test ; j++)
	    long long int number, i;
	    for(i=1; i <= number; ++i)
	        if (number%i == 0)
	            printf("%lld ",i);
    return 0;

Bro there is another approach which is in cbrt(n) complexity but it is difficult for me,
PS : codevita is just about language game
The sqrt(n) approach in Python or in cpp gets TLE , but o(n) complexity accepted in C wtf

Have any one listened about pollard rho which is O(n^1/4) for integer factorization

If I know it earlier I definately code in C…

Or Kya Bhai Matlab itni bevkufi h tcs walo ki same approach agar cpp ya Python me chalao to tle c me chalao to accepted wahhh…

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There is no requirement to solve the divine divisiors problem.

this approach is too naive…just shock to hear that it was AC…Now I feel guilty…:):neutral_face:


How can you find primes more than 10^6 using seive? It would work if N<= 10^12. I think it needs pollard rho for finding further prime and then as you said finding divisors using recursion.
Correct me anytime?,:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

One of my friend’s solution is accepted square root of n complexity but he is the trick when was printing the the divisors increment i with one instead of incrementing one, a basic observation is required if a number is even then its divisor maybe even or maybe odd but if a number is is odd then definitely the divisors are odd so instead of incrementing i by 1 we incrementing by 2 so sqrt(n)/2 complexity
And it accepted.

I was guessing they need minor optimisation to solve that. But couldn’t figure out that I have to optimize just by a factor of 2(bcz it’s same sqrn(n) now).
They should atleast provide the time limit, so that we can calculate what level of optimisation they want.

Btw…this solution should also fail, bcz in worst case if u take t=15, and n=10^15 for all case, ur solution will be sqrt(n).
So what can i predict? Weak test cases for their cheap optimisation?

using namespace std;
int main()

int t;
vector< long int > v;
long int n;
int c=2;
long int sq=sqrt(n);
for(long int i=2;i<=sq;i++)
if(n==1) cout<<1<<"\n" ;
for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++)
cout<<v[i]<<" ";


This somehow passed…!!
but when i give all 15 inputs as 10^15 …it gives TLE

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Okay I forgot that. But fact is we can declare array upto size 10^8.
That was my point.

Read my answer again. I said find power of those prime as well.

After dividing it with all primes till sqrt(10^15)
If number is > 1 then it will be a prime number only.
You can do that. Google how to find prime factors of a number in O(sqrt(n)) you will see how we can find those factors which are >sqrt(n)

R u asking me or telling me ?
In case you are asking then this is my answer :
Nope. It won’t take sqrt(n) will be much less because we will be check only prime numbers less than sqrt(n). That divides complexity by 10-20 times. Which should pass in given constraints.

Exactly. \hspace{0mm}

But it accepted bro , and in c language the brute force order of n complexity is accepted bro

Wtf. Isn’t this O(n)
R u using supercomputers ? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ya it’s o(n) I said that in c o(n) is accepted and in cpp something optimize sqrt(n) approach is accepted…
Ya I have supercomputer …lol :joy::joy:
Codevita is just language game , c me kro o(n2) accepted in cpp o(n) give tle in Python o(sqrt(n)) gives tle ,wtf … codevita sucks today