Problems with new issues codechef doesnt even explain

I finished the learning part of Python and after that I started “getting started on CodeChef” but the problem is, that I get problems (not necessery very hard ones) which arent explained like in “Get started in Python”. My question is why, maybe the explanation is somewhere hidden or CodeChef is designed that hard.

The only problem I could solve was “Number Mirror”

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@codeboss1 - Thanks! - The ‘Getting started on codechef’ is currently being updated.
Hopefully you wont face this issue post the 3rd week of Jan.


@codeboss1 - meanwhile - you can start with the problems in the practice section - increasing order of difficulty rating - Solve Coding Problems Online - CodeChef

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Thanks for your helb!! @hrishik85

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@codeboss1 - you should now proceed with this learning module - Solve Programming problems using Python - CodeChef