Profile does not show the long challenge score but rating has been updated

The graphs do not show the updated rating.

Same here.
Btw how much your score increased? I gained +62 only, had got 310 makrs in long challenge. I was hoping to cross 1600 this time :neutral_face:

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i GOT 360 in december challenge but rating only increased by +55

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I got +70 but my profile shows 2 stars even though I’ve crossed 1600. This problem exists only on the website. Discuss is showing 3 stars.

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Also I see that my friend’s profile graph has been updated but not mine’s.
And congrats for 3 stars !!

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Thanks bro! Yea some people have updated graphs I’ve seen them too.

I gained +157 on score of 510 in DEC long…


wow that’s nice growth!