Programming Camp 2017 material

Material from Programming Camp have not been uploaded yet (it’s been more than 3 months since Request for Indian Programming Camp 2017 Materials - general - CodeChef Discuss). Please upload the material ASAP or provide a timeline.


The videos will still take time to be refined as people are busy with ICPC and ZCO which are coming up. For now, I am sharing the Raw videos which are good enough. You can find the videos here

Hope I could help. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for sharing. Just wanted an official update and some tentative deadline to when it would be done.


Reminds of of lifebouy advertisment.

“Refinement karte jao karte jao karte jao.”

"Ista, tera saabun slow hai kya? :wink: "

XDXD. Sorry but couldnt stop myself from cracking this here :3


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I dont care lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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