Project Mate : Android App

App Name : Project Mate

Team: Venonymous

Members: Parth Rathore, Yash Gupta

Have you faced problem in finding a team for your project anytime? Project Mate helps you with exactly that.

Project Mate is an Android App which helps people share and create amazing projects together while improving their skills and learning new ways.

Why? because competetive programming is just not enough and making projects helps you solidify your skills and get to know about real world programming.
Also collabration makes it easier for you to work on large projects and share knowledge.

App Features

  • Create your profile with the skills (E.g. Java) you know and project you have done
  • Add new projects with required skills (E.g. Android Development) you want to make collaboratively.
  • Send invitiation to other users to join your project who have the required skills.
  • Send join request for a project created by other user in which skills are fullfilled by you.
  • See all of the activites you performed on the app. E.g. Sending a join request is a activity.
  • Accept / Reject requests sent by other users.
  • If accepted, you will be able to chat with other user and discuss further.

You can download app from here or visit ProjectMate.apk - Google Drive.



Complete Repo (UI + Server)