python - armstrong between given interval

Need solution for python code!

How can we find the armstrong numbers in given interval.

I have written the code successfuly to identify the number, but could not be able to get the desired output.

lower = int(input())  
upper = int(input())  
for num in range(lower,upper + 1):  
    sum = 0  
    temp = num
    armstrong = ""
    while temp > 0:  
        digit = temp % 10  
        sum += digit ** 3
        temp //= 10 
        if num == sum:  
            armstrong = armstrong + (str(num) + " ")

Case - 1
Input :

Expected out put :
This case was successful.

Case - 2:
Input :

Expected output :
1 2 3
Could not get the proper output for this one!

According to the definition, an Armstrong (Narcissistic) number is basically a number that is the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits.
Therefore, change :
sum += digit ** 3
sum += digit ** len(str(num))

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Hey brother, thanks a lot for responding.

iam getting output in three different lines.
output iam getting :

output i need
1 2 3

output should be in single line, can you help me here?

Use print(armstrong, end = " ") instead.

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Thanks a lot brother,

There is one more issue. If there is no armstrong number in the given range, then the output should be “-1”.

Sorry that I didn’t mentioned this above.

You can use a boolean variable, say flag which is initialised as False at the beginning. When you print an Armstrong number, set that flag to True. Now, in the end, if flag is still False, it indicates you haven’t printed any Armstrong number. So we print -1 in that case.

lower = int(input())
upper = int(input())
flag = False
for num in range(lower, upper + 1):
    while temp > 0:
        if num == sum:
            flag = True
if not flag:
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Rewrite the above as:

    while temp > 0:
        digit = temp % 10
        sum += digit ** len(str(num))
        temp //= 10
    if num == sum: # Check the Indentation here
        print(num, end = " ")
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It helped brother,

Thanks a lot