Rankings, Challenges and Laddus

So, I started with CodeChef about a fortnight ago, and took part in the May Lunchtime Challenge (Division 2 : Contest Page | CodeChef). I was only able to solve 2 questions tho [CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone, CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone]

After that i got a 2-star rating, along with a global rank and a junior rank https://www.codechef.com/users/wickedknight

Can someone explain about this junior rank thing? is it like below 18 or something?
Also, do only Long Challenges, cook-offs and lunchtime give you rating or other specific contest also?

and jbtw, what are laddus in codechef, how do we earn them and what are they for?

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Hey @wickedknight ,
So whenever you start participating in contests in codechef it automatically gives you a 1500 rating 2 Star also the more you participate and depending on the number of problems you solve in each rated- Lunchtime, Long Challenge or Cook Off contest your rank increases or decreases.

Laddus are a reward which you get when you come in top 20 in the contests

Please like by pressing the heart button.

You can read more about it here


Thank you! :+1: :slight_smile:


Also don’t worry about laddus, to me it seems like they never give them to you…

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Yes, they do…

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Huh, does that mean they’ll get to march cookoff+ soon?

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how many have you got?
is the total laddus (1200) yours?

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Yes, just yesterday they assigned me the laddus of march long challenge, so april assignments will come in two or three weeks I guess

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yes, all due to the challenge problem of long contests

whoa…damn bro
:+1: :+1: :flushed:

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You are like Ritchie Rich of Laddus

:joy: :joy:
Do you think so? It’s not even enough for two T-shirts :pleading_face:


Hey, something s better than nothing, ain’t it?

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absolutely, without a doubt. And when the COVID-19 let me I will proudly ask for that T-shirt


COVID-19 :sob:
My German scholarship in St. Peter Ording and Munich got cancelled and converted into an online class :((((