Rating system not working for me properly ig

I am new to Codechef, I’ve just took part in 3 contests which are as follows (in order):

  1. MAY221 Div 4, successfully solved 6 out of 8 questions (Rank=143)
  2. START39 Div 4, successfully solved 6 out of 7 questions (Rank=2382)
  3. LTIME 108 Div 4 successfully solved 4 out of 6 questions

Although I am aware that Competitive programming was never about ratings and all, but deep down you expect to get rewarded when you do decent.
I wanted to ask, there are many known ones of mine who got to 2* in their first contests and they performed worse than me! (like just solved 3-4 problems and boom straight to 2* while I’m just 1* even after performing better than them for 3 contests straight.)
(Please note that this was when Div 4 was not introduced)

While I am aware that Div 4 contains easy questions but I solved 1-2 of those questions too which come in Div 1 problemset!

Either I am missing something about the rating algorithm or I guess it is broken for people like me?
It’d be much appreciated if someone can enlighten me on this. Thanks in advance!


wanted to ask, there are many known ones of mine who got to 2* in their first contests

you can not get less than -275 or more than +275 per contest.
You start at 1000 and need to reach 1400 for 2*. You improving by 163 points in 3 contests seems about fine.

Either I am missing something about the rating algorithm or I guess it is broken for people like me?

You are missing all the cheater and alt-accounts. I wrote a post about the cheater in the START39 contest: https://discuss.codechef.com/t/too-many-cheater-in-div-4-contest-checked-30-found-20/101181

to sum it up, in the top 300 ( START39 Div 4) are about 250 cheats. You ranking 2382 is already pretty good considering that you probably have around 600-1000 cheater/alt accounts in front of you.

but deep down you expect to get rewarded when you do decent

well, the system is kinda broken so it will rather hold you down than reward you. But good job getting such good placements without cheating. Keep up the good work!

it depends time you take to solve before than others