Ratings for Institutes In Competetive Programming (CpCtrl.com)

Hello Everyone,

Codechef has been a great platform for motivating and guiding potential competitive programmers on the individual basis. Ratings for all the contests: Long, Short and Lunchtime keep the sense of competition ongoing.

To provide and promote competition on the institution level, I designed a rating list provides unofficial ratings for all institutes ln the basis of Long contests of Codechef. Check it here.

The rating system works on the basis of ELO rating system. For more information about the entire rating system, please check this.

This rating system is entirely unofficial but does motivate the performance on institute level.

Future Additions to the Website:

  • Rating System for Short and Lunchtime challenges.
  • Full Event description regarding total participants and submissions grouped into colleges.

Any more inputs would be most welcomed from all programmers to improve this platform.I hope you all like it.

Edit- Now you can check ratings for cook-off events also.


That’s a nice initiative @anonymous_b0y .

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Neat! @anonymous_b0y

Ratings for institutes. Nice!

It will be helpful if you can change the font for http://cpctrl.com/about.html.

There are some flaws. For example my college have been rated 4 times and qualify as the only college who has been rated twice with red cup.

First it is ranked as 22(LNM Institute of Information Technology), then as 32(The LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur), 83 and 2332. It will be very difficult to deal with such cases. So I request you to update it manually by feedback. Anyway, Cheers! Nice Initiative.


Very awesome initiative and very cool UI. I am impressed by the work.

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Now you can check ratings for cook-off events also.


how can i find my collage postition

Codechef India’s best coding competition website
It should also do a scholarship program for indian student

Nice Initiative and Your hard Work…!!

@anonymous_b0y can you please tell why the name of our institute Lakshmi Narain College Of Technology Bhopal is not there in the list of www.CpCtrl.com

sure, will change the font soon.

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this is happening due to , if codechef finds same institute with two different name then codechef remove inappropriate institute name but that institute name does not change in past event’s ranklists.

I’ll try to handle this situation.
Thanks for pointing out this situation.


Please check your college is present in the list with the name “Lakshmi Narain College of Technology”.

I checked institute name on your profile is “Lakshmi Narain College of Technology Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh”, but codechef shows it in ranklist as “Lakshmi Narain College of Technology”.

You can verify it here https://www.codechef.com/api/rankings/AUG18B/autocomplete/?sortBy=rank&order=asc&page=1&itemsPerPage=25&qparam=institution&institution=lakshmi