Recent surge in my ratings

I have recently been experiencing a surge in ratings. This is not a post to proclaim this but lately, I have been more methodical in the way I approach competitive programming. Specifically, I have been maintaining an excel sheet to track the contest problems and practice problems I solve. It contains the fields of platform (Codechef/Codeforces for me), problem link, difficulty level, the status of my solving (Solved, Solved with hint, Partially solved, unsolved) and optional comments. Comments may be regarding scope of improvement (speed, constraints, DS/algo to improve on).
As the sheet got more populated, I started to observe trends such as the rating of problem I was good/not good at, problems on which topics I kept solving at a specific status. These data-driven insights have kept me more confident about my progress.

Just thought to share my experience.


It looks great actually.
I left CP for almost 2 years after I reached 5 star on codechef on old rating system and was doing job peacefully. I have starting grinding again.
Your method of practicing looks pretty good.

I have started doing the same from last 3 weeks , but all I track is what I learned from the problem. I dont track tags and if I was able to solve or not.

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This looks great. Do you have any suggestions on how we can build this type of reflection on CodeChef? So that more people start doing this and get better?

I dont know if we can compile a list of problems we want on Codechef, where ratings, tags and other fields are visibly mentioned. It might be possible, but Iā€™m unaware of all the features Codechef has to offer.

you have template for this?

Here is a template of what I use.

We do have bookmark feature - Bookmark Problems - This can be used to keep the problems which you want to visit later.

We can probably also add a notes feature, so that you can add notes on your bookmarks.

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