Regarding Dp questions

Can someone pls suggest me some basic to medium dp problems which can clear my basic s and also give a hang of dp. It may be from codechef codeforces or any other.
Will help a lot thanks!

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Bro I know this…but I was asking for some special problems which can clear basics or u can also suggest the problems which u solved initially while learning dp.

i am also following this and codeforces for now 1200-1400 main focus is on speed and learning to convert to bottom up since i can think recursive memoized but not bottom up so this helps

Some of the standard problems

  1. 0 1 knapsack
  2. Longest common subsequence and it’s variations
    3.Matrix chain Multiplication.
  3. Egg Dropping problem
  4. Palindromic substring unique/repeating
  5. Coin change.
    7.Catalan Number
    8.Box stacking problem
  6. partition problem
  7. Word breaker.
  8. Bellman ford
  9. Floyd warshall
  10. Travelling salesman person
  11. Subset sum problem
    Dynamic Programming - GeeksforGeeks