Regarding New Threads

Whenever you write a topic, on the right hand side, there will be a page:
Your topic is similar to…
Don’t just blindly click on the “cross” button. Read and see whether there is a post in which your query has been answered to. If yes, then read that post, else make a new one. 50% of the posts I am seeing over here, are explained in the old posts itself.

And secondly, take your time and try reading the rules of the discuss forum when you ask a doubt. Here also, 10% of the posts are somehow or the other useless posts. Eg. 2% of the threads asking questions about an ongoing contest (Credits: @hello_hell)

Taking 5% common, the number of blogs can be effectively reduced by 55%, even if Codechef is not fully efficient, the number of blogs can be reduced only if you give a time of 5 minutes before posting a thread here!


And 2% percent of thread either for asking doubt for an ongoing contest or to provide a link to the community that for this question someone posted a solution please remove it.


This needs more hearts