Regarding SPOJ GSS1 - Can you answer these queries I, Getting TLE in Python solution

Hello everyone,
Sorry for being naive BUT I am banging my head for the TLE which I am getting for this problem.
Can anyone please help me if my approach is incorrect or I am getting the TLE due to Python.

Below is my code

def builtSegTree(lb , ub , nums , segTree :int , index):
    if lb == ub:
        segTree[index] = nums[lb -1]
        return nums[lb - 1]
    mid = lb + (ub - lb)//2
    maxInLeft = builtSegTree(lb , mid , nums , segTree , (index * 2) + 1)
    maxInRight = builtSegTree(mid + 1 , ub ,  nums , segTree , (index * 2) + 2)
    segTree[index] = max(maxInLeft , maxInRight)
    return nums[lb - 1]

def maxInRangeQuery(lb :int, ub :int, start :int, end :int, segtree :int, index :int):
    if ub < start or end < lb:
        return -1000000
    if lb <= start and end <= ub:
        return segtree[index]
    mid = start + (end - start) // 2

    maxInLeft = maxInRangeQuery(lb , ub , start , mid , segtree , (index*2) + 1)
    maxInRight = maxInRangeQuery(lb , ub , mid + 1 , end , segtree , (index*2) + 2)
    return max(maxInLeft , maxInRight)

def main():
    n = int(input())
    nums = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
    segTree = [0] * 4 * n
    builtSegTree(1, n, nums, segTree , 0)
    q = int(input())
    for _ in range(q):
        lb , ub = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
        print(maxInRangeQuery(lb , ub , 0 , n , segTree , 0))
