Runtime Error in SPOJ Problem SDITSAVL (AVL Tree)

I am getting Runtime(NZEC) error in the SPOJ Problem based on AVL Tree. Link to the problem is
AVL Tree

Can anyone help me?
My source code :

import java.util.Scanner;
    class SDITSAVL{
    	static class Node{
    		int val;
    		int height;
    		int count;
    		Node left;
    		Node right;
    		Node(int val){
    			this.val = val;
    			height = 1;
    			left = null;
    			right = null;
    			count = 1;
    	static Node root;
    	static int count;
    	public static void main(String []arg){
    		Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
    		int t = sc.nextInt();
    		root = null;
    		while(t-- > 0){
    			int x = sc.nextInt();
    			int y = sc.nextInt();
    			if(x == 1){
    				root = insert(root,y);
    				count = 1;
    				boolean ans = search(root,y);
    					System.out.println("Data tidak ada");
    	static Node insert(Node root,int val){
    		if(root == null){
    			root = new Node(val);
    			return root;
    		}else if(val < root.val){
    			root.left = insert(root.left,val);
    		}else if(val > root.val){
    			root.right = insert(root.right,val);
    		root.height = 1 + Math.max(getHeight(root.left),getHeight(root.right));
    		root.count = 1 + getCount(root.left) + getCount(root.right);
    		int bFactor = getBFactor(root);
    		if(bFactor > 1 && val < root.left.val){
    			return rightRotate(root);
    		if(bFactor > 1 && val > root.left.val){
    			root.left = leftRotate(root.left);
    			return rightRotate(root);
    		if(bFactor < -1 && val < root.right.val){
    			return leftRotate(root);
    		if(bFactor < -1 && val > root.right.val){
    			root.right = rightRotate(root.right);
    			return leftRotate(root);
    		return root;
    	static int getHeight(Node root){
    		if(root == null){
    			return 0;
    		return root.height;
    	static int getCount(Node root){
    		if(root == null){
    			return 0;
    		return root.count;
    	static int getBFactor(Node root){
    		if(root == null){
    			return 0;
    		return getHeight(root.left) - getHeight(root.right);
    	static Node rightRotate(Node root){
    		Node x = root.left;
    		Node y = x.right;
    		x.right = root;
    		root.left = y;
    		root.height = 1 + Math.max(getHeight(root.left),getHeight(root.right));
    		root.count = 1 + getCount(root.left) + getCount(root.right);
    		x.height = 1 + Math.max(getHeight(x.left),getHeight(x.right));
    		x.count = 1 + getCount(x.left) + getCount(x.right);
    		return x;
    	static Node leftRotate(Node root){
    		Node x = root.right;
    		Node y = x.left;
    		x.left = root;
    		root.right = y;
    		root.height = 1 + Math.max(getHeight(root.left),getHeight(root.right));
    		root.count = 1 + getCount(root.left) + getCount(root.right);
    		x.height = 1 + Math.max(getHeight(x.left),getHeight(x.right));
    		x.count = 1 + getCount(x.left) + getCount(x.right);
    		return x;
    	static boolean search(Node root,int val){
    		if(root == null){
    			return false;
    		if(val == root.val){
    			count += getCount(root.left);
    			return true;
    		}else if(val < root.val){
    			return search(root.left,val);
    			count += getCount(root.left);
    			return search(root.right,val);