Runtime error in the following python programme - can somebody help me to rectify

import random

class IDAStar:
def init(self, h, neighbours):
“”" Iterative-deepening A* search.

    h(n) is the heuristic that gives the cost between node n and the goal node. It must be admissable, meaning that h(n) MUST NEVER OVERSTIMATE the true cost. Underestimating is fine.

    neighbours(n) is an iterable giving a pair (cost, node, descr) for each node neighbouring n
    IN ASCENDING ORDER OF COST. descr is not used in the computation but can be used to
    efficiently store information about the path edges (e.g. up/left/right/down for grids).

    self.h = h
    self.neighbours = neighbours
    self.FOUND = object()

def solve(self, root, is_goal, max_cost=None):
    """ Returns the shortest path between the root and a given goal, as well as the total cost.
    If the cost exceeds a given max_cost, the function returns None. If you do not give a
    maximum cost the solver will never return for unsolvable instances."""

    self.is_goal = is_goal
    self.path = [root]
    self.is_in_path = {root}
    self.path_descrs = []
    self.nodes_evaluated = 0

    bound = self.h(root)

    while True:
        t = self._search(0, bound)
        if t is self.FOUND: return self.path, self.path_descrs, bound, self.nodes_evaluated
        if t is None: return None
        bound = t

def _search(self, g, bound):
    self.nodes_evaluated += 1

    node = self.path[-1]
    f = g + self.h(node)
    if f > bound: return f
    if self.is_goal(node): return self.FOUND

    m = None # Lower bound on cost.
    for cost, n, descr in self.neighbours(node):
        if n in self.is_in_path: continue

        t = self._search(g + cost, bound)

        if t == self.FOUND: return self.FOUND
        if m is None or (t is not None and t < m): m = t


    return m

def slide_solved_state(n):
return tuple(i % (nn) for i in range(1, nn+1))

def slide_randomize(p, neighbours):
for _ in range(len§ ** 2):
_, p, _ = random.choice(list(neighbours§))
return p

def slide_neighbours(n):
movelist = []
for gap in range(n*n):
x, y = gap % n, gap // n
moves = []
if x > 0: moves.append(-1) # Move the gap left.
if x < n-1: moves.append(+1) # Move the gap right.
if y > 0: moves.append(-n) # Move the gap up.
if y < n-1: moves.append(+n) # Move the gap down.

def neighbours(p):
    gap = p.index(0)
    l = list(p)

    for m in movelist[gap]:
        l[gap] = l[gap + m]
        l[gap + m] = 0
        yield (1, tuple(l), (l[gap], m))
        l[gap + m] = l[gap]
        l[gap] = 0

return neighbours

def slide_print§:
n = int(round(len§ ** 0.5))
l = len(str(n*n))
for i in range(0, len§, n):
print(" “.join(”{:>{}}".format(x, l) for x in p[i:i+n]))

def encode_cfg(cfg, n):
r = 0
b = n.bit_length()
for i in range(len(cfg)):
r |= cfg[i] << (b*i)
return r

def gen_wd_table(n):
goal = [[0] * i + [n] + [0] * (n - 1 - i) for i in range(n)]
goal[-1][-1] = n - 1
goal = tuple(sum(goal, []))

table = {}
to_visit = [(goal, 0, n-1)]
while to_visit:
    cfg, cost, e = to_visit.pop(0)
    enccfg = encode_cfg(cfg, n)
    if enccfg in table: continue
    table[enccfg] = cost

    for d in [-1, 1]:
        if 0 <= e + d < n:
            for c in range(n):
                if cfg[n*(e+d) + c] > 0:
                    ncfg = list(cfg)
                    ncfg[n*(e+d) + c] -= 1
                    ncfg[n*e + c] += 1
                    to_visit.append((tuple(ncfg), cost + 1, e+d))

return table

def slide_wd(n, goal):
wd = gen_wd_table(n)
goals = {i : goal.index(i) for i in goal}
b = n.bit_length()

def h(p):
    ht = 0 # Walking distance between rows.
    vt = 0 # Walking distance between columns.
    d = 0
    for i, c in enumerate(p):
        if c == 0: continue
        g = goals[c]
        xi, yi = i % n, i // n
        xg, yg = g % n, g // n
        ht += 1 << (b*(n*yi+yg))
        vt += 1 << (b*(n*xi+xg))

        if yg == yi:
            for k in range(i + 1, i - i%n + n): # Until end of row.
                if p[k] and goals[p[k]] // n == yi and goals[p[k]] < g:
                    d += 2

        if xg == xi:
            for k in range(i + n, n * n, n): # Until end of column.
                if p[k] and goals[p[k]] % n == xi and goals[p[k]] < g:
                    d += 2

    d += wd[ht] + wd[vt]

    return d
return h

if name == “main”:
solved_state = slide_solved_state(4)
neighbours = slide_neighbours(4)
is_goal = lambda p: p == solved_state

tests = [

slide_solver = IDAStar(slide_wd(4, solved_state), neighbours)

for p in tests:
    path, moves, cost, num_eval = slide_solver.solve(p, is_goal, 80)
    print(", ".join({-1: "Left", 1: "Right", -4: "Up", 4: "Down"}[move[1]] for move in moves))
    print(cost, num_eval)

There’s a codechef problem that requires A*?