SDE Internship For 1st/2nd/3rd with Stipend Year Students : List with Links

Check these out if interested

If you have any other companies link, post it below i will add it here

Stipend mentioned below are based on websites like glassdoor (let me know if wrong, i will update it) :monkey:

  • JP Morgan - LINK

  • Credit Suisse Switzerland (50K Stipend ) (Open To all Years) - Link

  • Amazon (40-48K Stipend) - Link

  • LinkedIn (40K Stipend) - Link

  • Dunzo - Expired

  • Expedia(35K Stipend) - Link

  • HackerRank(25-30K Stipend) - Link

  • Intel - LINK

  • Calypso -LINK


Thanks a lot bro. I didn’t know about Dunzo and LinkedIn.
Thanks again for posting this. It means a lot.

Thanks for sharing this bro…

You can replace the link of amazon internship with This link
As the link which u shared is for a rekindle position and rekindle position are not for fresher students. You can read more about rekindle from here


my bad, thanks changed it

Amazon link has been updated, if anyone wants to apply, please use the new link - Link


Thank you bro. If anyone else has any more links. Please share.

i have added intel

Bro is this amazon internship link for only 6 months intern?

hey it says the page your looking is not found.

which one?

At the Intel page it is saying " The job you are looking for cannot be found"

the link changed, i have change and fixed it on the post, please check- Here

1 Like

please check now

Amazon internships are full-time (40 hours/week) for eight consecutive weeks (two months) with start dates between April and May 2021 or six months (as per university academic framework) with start dates between January and February 2021. - from the website

Isn’t the amazon internship link quite an old one, it was posted on Aug 2, 2020

they are accepting applications from it


amazon one is asking Experience as * , what to fill in that

is this are for 2021 passing students?

no these are internships, few are for 2022 only, Others for 2022,23,24
Credit suisse 2021 Job, rest internship