SESO05 - Editorial

Problem Link

Problem Explanation

You are given n pairs of integers, and the task is to check if there exists any pair among these that contains both integers target_x and target_y in any order. If such a pair exists, the program should output “Yes”; otherwise, it should output “No”.


The approach to solving this problem is straightforward. First, we read the number of pairs n and then store each pair in two separate vectors, a and b. These vectors represent the two elements of each pair. After reading all the pairs, we take the target integers target_x and target_y as input.

Next, we iterate through all the pairs and check if any pair matches the target integers in either of the two possible orders:

  1. If the first integer of the pair is equal to target_x and the second is equal to target_y.
  2. If the first integer of the pair is equal to target_y and the second is equal to target_x.

If we find such a pair, we set a boolean flag found to true. After checking all the pairs, we simply output “Yes” if the flag is true, otherwise “No”.

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity: The time complexity of this solution is O(n), where n is the number of pairs. This is because we need to check each pair to see if it matches the target integers.

  • Space Complexity: The space complexity is O(n) due to the storage of the pairs in the two vectors a and b.

Edge Cases

  1. If n is 0, the program will immediately output “No” since there are no pairs to check.
  2. The program correctly handles cases where target_x and target_y are the same number, as it checks both possible orders within the pair.