Should i have to continue coding?

as i had spend almost one year in problem solving but i cant find such a big change in my programming skills and i i’m think that i should have to quit doing problem solving and focus of web development .
can anyone show me the right path to code better in upcoming time.
my stopstalk profile is


No. Stay with problem solving. Just increase your practice level.
And if you are so much sure about give up then it’s okay. you can do web development, or turtle graphics or game developing etc.
I am new in competitive programming and I think it is fun, because when I solve a problem, it’s feel like :sunglasses: :sunglasses: get up to Avarest.


yah i think i have to learn dp and other heavy stuff to regain my interest in coding.


Don’t give up, one can improve their IQ if they frequently get the chance to apply their problem-solving skills.
If you are not interested stop doing it, but don’t torture youself for the sake of someone/something.


Thanks for giving your advice

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Main thing why your growth is not too much is because the number of question you have solve is less compared to time taken by you.
In CP consistency is key.Your stopstalk profile show that you were inconsistent ,even sometime you not have solve single problem in month :astonished:.


In short.

Solve and upsolve. Participate Regularly. And Be prepared for some bad days… And rating drops.

I started near December and it took me just 2 months to reach 4* on CC, so i think it depends on approach. And if you do long challenges make sure you also participate in short Contests (i see you skipped cookoffs and ltimes)


bro, don’t leave what you’ve started, who knows if you’ll even leave webd like this.
you cf handle shows you have not pushed yourself out of your comfort zone in through out the year you’ve been doing cp. and you’re pretty inconsistant too.


Bro How did you found stats of @tanujyadav007 ?
If I want to know my cf stats what should I have to do?

there’s a wesite for it.

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Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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Lol🤣 B-eautiful (sad lyf)


Thnks i will be consistent in future

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Thnks bro it gives me a quick boost to do better in problem solving

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