I am currently in my 6th semester, Currently I have 1336 ratings on codeforces and 1738 on codechef. My doubt is should I continue competitive coding or it is high time to move to leetcode.
I am in same situation but i think we should practice questions on leetcode
but give all the contest of codechef and codeforeces (div2/div3) also alongwith
what you think?
Definitely do LC. As someone who came to know of LC much later than his own placement, I can vouch for the part that most interviewers are looking at standard interview questions, and they don’t pay as much attention to your actual problem solving skills as much as they do to knowing all basic LC stuff and DSA by heart and being able to implement those quickly without bugs.
Contests is upto you. LC has both core DS learning challenges as well as interview questions (which are mostly similar to Div2 A/B/C problems on CF but from a smaller question pool). Even if you don’t do contests, it should be ok but I understand doing contests maybe more exciting for you than doing LC. If that is the case, you should just think about where your heart lies and do that.