Smart Phone

This is my code which fails a few test cases, what am I doing wrong? Please help me with this
using namespace std;
int main() {
int N;
long long int sum = 0;
cin >> N;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
long long int x;
cin >> x;
sort(num.begin(), num.end());
for (auto i = num.begin(); i != num.end(); i++) {
sum = sum + (*i);
sum = sum / N;

    	long long int count=0;

    	for (auto i = num.begin(); i != num.end(); i++) {
    		if (*i >= sum) {
    	auto it = lower_bound(num.begin(), num.end(), sum);
    	cout << count * (*it);
    	return 0;

Why the hell are you spamming forum by creating multiple crappy posts from your fake account, format your code properly, and explain what have you done otherwise don’t expect any sort of help from here. ATLEAST BOTHER TO GIVE PROBLEM LINK


My apologies. I am still new to this. I don’t know why it was posted multiple times.
using namespace std;
int main() {
long long int N;
long long int sum = 0;
cin >> N;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
long long int x;
cin >> x;
num.push_back(x); //input
sort(num.begin(), num.end()); //sorted the vector
for (auto i = num.begin(); i != num.end(); i++) {
sum = sum + (*i);
sum = sum / N; //mean of all the values

long long int count=0;

for (auto i = num.begin(); i != num.end(); i++) {
	if (*i >= sum) {
		count++; //number of values satisfying the mean
auto it = lower_bound(num.begin(), num.end(), sum); //first number closest to mean
cout << count * (*it); //final revenue
return 0;

And this is the problem link:

Check this

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Thank you. I got it, I was approaching it differently.

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