SPOJ.com - Problem DQUERY

I was trying to solve this problem on spoj and i discovered MO’s algorithm. I understood the algorithm but i have one doubt on its time complexity.

for each query ( as queries will be sorted ) left pointer moves atmost sqrt(n) times but doesnt right pointer moves o(n) at the worst case which makes whole algorithms complexity as o(q*n)?

Thanks in advance.

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why right pointer moves N time ?

share your code for sorting the query.

I use generally two codes -

bool cmp(query a , query b)
    lli blk_num_a = a.l / blk_sz;
    lli blk_num_b = b.l / blk_sz;
    if(blk_num_a != blk_num_b)
        return(blk_num_a < blk_num_b);
    return(a.r < b.r);
bool faster_cmp(query a , query b)
    lli blk_num_a = a.l / blk_sz;
    lli blk_num_b = b.l / blk_sz;
    if(blk_num_a != blk_num_b)
        return(a.l < b.l);
    return ( (blk_num_a % 2) ? (a.r > b.r) : (a.r < b.r) );
    // In odd blocks sort the right index in ascending order and in even blocks sort it in descending order. 
    // This will minimize the movement of right pointer, as the normal sorting will move the right pointer 
    // from the end back to the beginning at the start of every block. With the improved version this resetting 
    // is no more necessary.
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not for sorting. after queries are sorted.
for example after sorting if my queries looks like this (assuming block_size to be 4 and array length to be 18):
[ 1,10]
here for each query right doesnt pointer moves o(n) or am i missing something?

No, it will not move surely . @carre please clear this doubt.

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okay will check it once again

yes, it can move O(n) places but just once for each block because right limit is sorted inside each block. So complexity is O(n * sqrt(n)) or O ((n+q) * sqrt(n)) to be more precisely

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He said complexity will be q*n ? and this is wrong explain littile bit more.

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you move n places once for block, you have sqrt(n) blocks so overall it’s sqrt(n)*n; I wouldn’t know how to explain it more :man_shrugging:t4:


Understood. sorry for the late reply.