Hey,SRM 601 is also on 22nd december and the time is clashing with cookoff.Can time of cookoff be changed??
We regret to say that this cannot be changed. The whole idea of having the CookOff on the second last Sunday of every month at a fixed time was to be predictable. There are many many users who expect it to happen at that time. It will be very unfair on our part, if we change the time of the contest at this moment. Also finding another suitable slot will not be very easy, for which everyone will not have a problem. We have tried conducting a poll in a previous instance and let us admit that it does not help in deciding what is best for all.
We will be facing a similar situation in the month of February as well, (as it has one less Sunday), but we expect to circumvent it by announcing the changed dates much earlier.
We think it is a good problem to have for the programming community to have multiple contests and we are sure, that they will chose on what they find more compelling or engaging. We apologise for not being able to change the dates or the time of this CookOff.
ask TC to change the time of the SRM…
thats not possible . thats why orchid asked codechef
i think u did not notice the…":P"…and as if it is possible here…!!!
It’s true that codechef hosts it’s cookoff on a particular day and time of the month.Topcoder changes it’s time frequently.but as topcoder caters to much more number of people,so I asked codechef if they can alter the time slot.else there will be much less participation I think.
maybe…maybe not…but it is mostly not possible…as it will disturb the lunchtime timings also…hope u understand what i mean to say…!!!
Yes it’ll hamper all schedule.Still if Codechef can manage some time on 22nd only before 10:30 it’ll be beneficial for all
I don’t get it. How does moving a contest by an hour or so hamper the schedule? Codechef and Topcoder are both major programming contest sites, this should have never happened at all…
Codeforces moves its contests if collisions occur, for example. Even less than a day before. Even twice in a row.
I have to admin, I’ll be the one prefering TC in this case…
I really hope they change it, I wanna participate in both, but if I’m going to choose it’s definitely going to be TopCoder. I think most people will do the same.
Yes, it’s likely that many people will choose TC. In that case, I could choose Codechef, because I have a higher chance of getting a better place
Agreed, codechef has a very proper schedule for days and time for contests, so atleast I’m fine with not rescheduling the cook-off, and of course the community will choose what they find more “compelling or engaging”
I have a chance to improve my global overall rating maximum on Sunday, so I’m going to use the opportunity…
I’m afraid this will happen more often in future, because TC announced the plan of having 4 events in month in year 2014, and probably one of those will be on Sunday, we will see… TC event calendar is known typically for next few months (year end is an exception), but I have to admin also, that so precise contest planning on Codechef is one of the characteristics a like the most (TC, is not so good = regular, CodeForces is tragic in this).