Strange behaviour while using std::vector::size

I m getting an unexpected output for the following code :


using namespace std;

#define int long long

int32_t main()


    vector <string> d ;

    d.push_back("hh") ;

    d.push_back("jj") ;

    int index = -1 ;


    if ( index < d.size()  )





    return 0;


The output I get is : NO ( even though index < d.size() )

but when I replace these line from my code :

    if ( index < d.size() )

with the lines below

    int len = d.size() ;
    if ( index < len )

This time the output is as expected : YES

here is the new code which gives expected output :


using namespace std;

#define int long long

int32_t main()


    vector <string> d ;

    d.push_back("hh") ;

    d.push_back("jj") ;

    int index = -1 ;

    int len = d.size() ;

    if ( index < len )





    return 0;


what is reason for the unexpected result I got in the first code ??

vector::size is unsigned, and you are comparing it against a signed int (gcc warns you about this).

I can’t remember the precise rules for promoting integers, but it seems that in this comparison, index is cast to the same type as vector::size, and -1 expressed as an unsigned will be a very large number.

Run this for a little more info:


using namespace std;

#define int long long

int32_t main()


    vector <string> d ;

    d.push_back("hh") ;

    d.push_back("jj") ;

    int index = -1 ;

    std::cout << "in the comparison 'index < d.size()', index is promoted to:" << static_cast<decltype(d.size())>(index) << endl;

    if ( index < d.size()  )




    return 0;

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Well, as far as I know, this happens due to the difference in type of two operators.

d.size() has type vector<string>::size_type, whereas the index has type int.

Try comparing the index with some variable like,

vector<string>::size_type var = 100000;
cout << (var > index); // outputs 0
cout << (var < index); // outputs 1
cout << (var == index); // outputs 0

I thought size_type and int were same. but yes probably you are right