Contest: Division 1
Contest: Division 2
Contest: Division 3
Contest: Division 4

Author: bernarb01
Tester: mexomerf
Editorialist: iceknight1093






You’re given two strings S and T.
You can perform the following operation on either string:

  • Choose a non-empty substring, and replace it with its first character.

Find the minimum number of moves required to make S equal to T.


Observe that the given operation is essentially “choose a substring, and delete all its characters other than the first”.
So, we can delete any substring of either S or T, with one exception: we cannot delete a prefix (since to delete a substring, there must be a character before it in order for the operation to be performed).

In particular, neither S_1 nor T_1 can be changed no matter what, so if S_1 \neq T_1 it’s definitely impossible to make S and T equal.

Now, suppose S_1 = T_1.
Note that it’s always possible to make S and T equal using at most 2 moves:

  1. Choose the entire string S, which will delete every character of S except S_1.
  2. Choose the entire string T, which will delete every character of T except T_1.

S and T now both equal the single character S_1.
So, the number of moves required is \leq 2.

We now need to find out whether 0 or 1 moves will be enough.
Checking for 0 moves is trivial: S and T should be already equal.
Let’s now analyze when 1 move is enough.

Suppose we delete the substring [L, R] of S, and it becomes equal to T.

  • R-L+1 should equal N-M, i.e, the length of the deleted substring should equal the difference in lengths between S and T.
  • The prefix of length L-1 of S must equal the prefix of length L-1 of T.
  • The suffix of length M-(L-1) of S must equal the suffix of length M-(L-1) of T.
    Note that the suffix of length M-(L-1) of S is simply every character after index R.

So, what really matters is how long the prefixes and suffixes of S match the corresponding ones in T.
There are now several ways to perform the required check quickly:

  1. You can compute boolean arrays \text{pref} and \text{suf}, where \text{pref}_i is true if and only if the length i prefixes of S and T are equal; \text{suf} is defined similarly for the suffix.
    Then, iterate over every substring of length N-M in S, and use the precomputed arrays to check whether the necessary condition holds in \mathcal{O}(1).
    Similarly, iterate over every substring of length M-N in T and do the same check.
    This is \mathcal{O}(N), since there are \leq N substrings of a fixed length (at most one for each starting position).
  2. Even simpler, let x and y denote the lengths of the longest prefix match and suffix match between S and T.
    Then, a valid operation exists if and only if x+y \geq \min(N, M).

The checks for whether the answer is 0 or 1 can be performed in linear time; if they both fail, the answer is 2.


\mathcal{O}(N + M) per testcase.


Author's code (C++)
 *    author:  BERNARD B.01
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

#ifdef B01
#include "deb.h"
#define deb(...)

int main() {
  int tt;
  cin >> tt;
  while (tt--) {
    int n, m;
    cin >> n >> m;
    string s, t;
    cin >> s >> t;
    if (s == t) {
      cout << 0 << '\n';
    if (s[0] != t[0]) {
      cout << -1 << '\n';
    if (n < m) {
      swap(n, m);
      swap(s, t);
    int p = 0;
    while (p < m && s[p] == t[p]) {
      p += 1;
    int ss = n, st = m;
    while (st > p && s[ss - 1] == t[st - 1]) {
      ss -= 1;
      st -= 1;
    if (p >= st) {
      cout << 1 << '\n';
    cout << 2 << '\n';
  return 0;
Tester's code (C++)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int t;
        int n, m;
        string s, t;
        if(s[0] != t[0]){
            if(s == t){
                int a = 0;
                for(int i = 0; i < min(n, m); i++){
                    if(s[i] == t[i]){
                int b = 0;
                for(int i = 0; i < min(n, m); i++){
                    if(s[n - i - 1] == t[m - i - 1]){
                if(a + b >= min(n, m)){
Editorialist's code (PyPy3)
for _ in range(int(input())):
    n, m = map(int, input().split())
    a = input().strip()
    b = input().strip()
    if a[0] != b[0]: print(-1)
        # ans <= 2
        # check 0 and 1
        # 0 -> strings already equal
        # 1 -> s can be obtained by deleting one substring of t or vice versa; match prefixes and suffixes
        if a == b: print(0)
            pref, suf = 0, 0
            for i in range(min(n, m)):
                if a[i] != b[i]: break
                pref += 1
            for i in range(min(n, m)):
                if a[-1-i] != b[-1-i]: break
                suf += 1
            if pref + suf >= min(n, m): print(1)
            else: print(2)