SUBMEXS - Editorial

It is not optimal to greedily choose the next node with maximum subtree size
because we don’t know what will be the subtree sizes of coming nodes.
1 1 3 3 3 3 2 8 9
Draw the tree for this testcase ,you will see that according to your logic we went to the node having max subtree size from root but it was optimal to go to the node with smaller subtree size.(Therefore we have to check all possibilities)
Here is my commented AC code:


Please help me out. I am getting RE in 2 out of 5 test cases. In the rest 3 I am getting AC verdict.

I think bottom most approach won’t work all the time
Can anyone tell me , what am I doing wrong, I am getting TLE on 4 test cases and AC in one .

thanks a lot bhai

Ans= 1+2+3+4+13 = 23
Assign (0, 1, 2, 3, 12) to the nodes (5,4,3,2,1) respectively.

My logic is wrong…I have found my mistake

Yes,bottom most approach would work ,it would get tlebut in my case I have done logical errors.

Can someone help me out with yesterday’s Lunchtime submexes question ? Can’t seem to figure out where I’m going wrong.

Question link CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

My solution link : CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

I saw the video editorial of Codechef’s official channel on YouTube and I’m getting proper output for the test inputs they have used
Test Input :
1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 2 2 3 6 7 8
1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 9 10
Output(which is correct) that I’m getting

Approach that I’ve used :
1)Store the tree in an adjacency list and also store the number of nodes every leaf node has in an array.
2)Initialise count variable to 0,
Traverse root node, increment count by (number of children of that node +1) and go to the child node with highest number of children and keep doing this till leaf node is reached

If you want you can uncomment all the stuff that I’ve commented in my code and try running it in your pc, it will better describe what exactly the code is doing.

Any help is appreciated

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Hey Brother,
Your code is failing for the following test case:


1 1 1 4 2 2 3 3 5

Expected Output - 16
Your output - 14

This is due to fact that considering maximum number of nodes in a subtree for calculating MEX is wrong. You have to consider height too.

Draw the tree on pen and paper and dry run it.You will get what i just told. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Brother,Your simple code explains the approach itself.

I watched the editorial video which made me more confused than i was before.

After looking at your code,i got to know where i went wrong and how the correct approach is really working!

Good Job!

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Finally I understood it. Thank you for you help bud, really appreciate it. :innocent:

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I know right, even i felt the editorial was a little confusing :sweat_smile:

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Video is focussed more on formality.
The part where explaination was needed,There was no explaination.

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Thanks a lot man but I m too weak in codeforces :neutral_face:

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Brother, its about about how to write a user friendly code so that others can understand. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nice and user friendly code!
Good job!

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Got AC.
Time 0.13 sec.

Approach :
Calculate and store subtree size of each node in a vector called subtree[i].
While backtraking at each node return subtree[node] + max(value returned by below subtree)…

Please see solution for clear understanding …
