Substring Hash Concern

Hi, I’m a bit confused about how hashes of substrings work. So considering I want to get hash of S[i,j], where S is a given string. Should I take just hash of (S[1,j]-S[1,i-1]) \mod M, or its positive modulo counterpart?

E. g. if M=11 and the result of the subtraction is -4 shuld I take -4 as the hash or 7? Thanks.

If you’re talking about Polynomial rolling hashes, then you should also multiply the result with the inverse of p^i modulo m.

If you’re interested, I’ve implemented some basic functions of Polynomial rolling hash inside a class.

Here’s the code:

Polynomial Rolling hash
class Hash {
    int length;
    const int mod1 = 1e9 + 7, mod2 = 1e9 + 9;
    const int p1 = 31, p2 = 37;
    vector<int> hash1, hash2;
    pair<int, int> hash_pair;

    inline static vector<int> inv_pow1, inv_pow2;
    inline static int inv_size = 1;

    Hash(const string& s) {
        length = s.size();

        int h1 = 0, h2 = 0;
        long long p_pow1 = 1, p_pow2 = 1;
        for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            h1 = (h1 + (s[i] - 'a' + 1) * p_pow1) % mod1;
            h2 = (h2 + (s[i] - 'a' + 1) * p_pow2) % mod2;
            p_pow1 = (p_pow1 * p1) % mod1;
            p_pow2 = (p_pow2 * p2) % mod2;
            hash1[i] = h1;
            hash2[i] = h2;
        hash_pair = make_pair(h1, h2);

        if(inv_size < length) {
            for(; inv_size < length; inv_size <<= 1);
            inv_pow1.resize(inv_size, -1);
            inv_pow2.resize(inv_size, -1);

            inv_pow1[inv_size - 1] = inverse(power(p1, inv_size - 1, mod1), mod1);
            inv_pow2[inv_size - 1] = inverse(power(p2, inv_size - 1, mod2), mod2);
            for(int i = inv_size - 2; i >= 0 && inv_pow1[i] == -1; i--) {
                inv_pow1[i] = (1LL * inv_pow1[i + 1] * p1) % mod1;
                inv_pow2[i] = (1LL * inv_pow2[i + 1] * p2) % mod2;

    int size() {
        return length;

    pair<int, int> prefix(const int index) {
        return {hash1[index], hash2[index]};

    pair<int, int> substr(const int l, const int r) {
        if(l == 0) {
            return {hash1[r], hash2[r]};
        int temp1 = hash1[r] - hash1[l - 1];
        int temp2 = hash2[r] - hash2[l - 1];
        temp1 += (temp1 < 0 ? mod1 : 0);
        temp2 += (temp2 < 0 ? mod2 : 0);
        temp1 = (temp1 * 1LL * inv_pow1[l]) % mod1;
        temp2 = (temp2 * 1LL * inv_pow2[l]) % mod2;
        return {temp1, temp2};

    bool operator==(const Hash& other) {
        return (hash_pair == other.hash_pair);

I’ve implemented the algorithm mentioned on cp-algorithms

Thanks, I’m talking about polynomial rolling. Now I realize my concern was dumb and it should always be the positive value that is taken from definition. :slight_smile:

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