Suggestion regarding shifting from one lang to other

I started of 3 months ago with cp was from icse background so started with java but eventually i encountered that most of the submission and editorials, tutorials are in c++ as it my starting phase I am thinking to shift from java to c++ . Former coders please please do suggest.

It should be simple, they’re basically the same except C++ makes you do more work gives you more freedom

Just solve problems with C++ and look up how to do stuff you don’t know


So should I go for the change or remain the same?

Depends. If you plan to continue CP into the long run, then I highly recommend making the switch. Otherwise if you plan to use Java for other things or not do CP for long, there’s not much of a reason to force yourself to learn another language.

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Thank you so mch :heavy_heart_exclamation:. You reply to Noobs like us surely motivate us​:fire::smile:

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If you really got to know me you’d realize I’m probably the most demotivating figure ever

But that’s a good way to see me :slight_smile: