This is a pretty generic question, but I’d really appreciate it if you can give me some tips to reach division 1 fast (I just became a three-star coder).
Please tell me the topics I should emphasize, some contests where I should take part, some tips, etc. which will enable me to reach division 1 fast.
easy way-only long challenges(solve as many as you can, google as much as possible)
hard way-long+increase speed, and try solving cook-off/lunchtime problem 3
@sayan_1999@anon53253486@ayush_dhaka_3 i think i am not the right candidate to answer this, because more often than not i fail to solve it too.
anyways, i guess we gotta do what grandmasters tell us to do, practice more
i started in dec(at that time i didnt even know c++ stls) i learned c++in dec and started doing it seriously from jan it took me 4 months to become 4 star here are some tips that worked for me-
firstly give virtual contest on codeforces and try to make atleast 2 problems and make it as fast as possible
dont go here and there learning various algorithms it will not help
upsolving is the key to success(atleast 1 question per contest(virtual+live))
4)try only long challenge on codechef initially
5)then learn graph and tree(after atleast 3 months)
6)solve graph excessively
7)then jump to constructive (in my opinion it is the most general and frequently asked tag)
8)then try to solve 1800-1900 rating question on codeforces