Today's cheating on Pallindromic and ConstructXor was crazy

I KNOW I have to get better, but come on. Pallindromic and ConstructXor right submissions doubled and even tripled in such a little time frame. We are supposed to believe that a huge most of them decided to use “abs” function before the ifs, as well as “>=” in the comparsion, almost none used “else if”. And at the same time used variables names close to “cta” and “ctb”, which is less obvious than “ct1” or “ct0” if that’s the case.

When it’s that obvious, they catch the attention of everyone.

This absolutley saddening and discouraging to the rookiesthat are hard trying to get better, but cheaters are rewarded with the puntuation.
They are even making money out of this lol



Bro that Pallindrome problem was much harder … In first 1 hour correct submission was about 90 or 100 and in last 1 hour it went to 1300… that was crazy and suspicious too

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Alice and Bob problems tend to be really hard. Their average difficulty is 1600~1800.

And we have to believe that MOST of the right submissions of that problem, the XOR one and the Cake one (which I dare to say is 1900) came from Div4??


i have reported to codechef through the email before 3 weeks about such cheatings and there is no reply or any action is not taken ,
there is a rapid increase in no of correct submissions in a very short time because of the youtube channels

@admin @ulisesaugusto1


Cheaters who copy paste code even with modification from these youtube channels will get caught and penalised.

All the cheaters will be removed from the ranklist within a few days and ratings will be recomputed.


And it’s highly appreciated.

Look, dude. I am very sure all this is not less annoying for you than it’s for us, since this is your literal job, and all those cheaters only make a mess out of your hard work.

I bet all this is stressful for you. So, at least I just want to add a “thank you” for all your effort. :hugs:


thank you for looking to these discussions and
i will be great if you attach all the users who have found cheated, to the contest discuss page or to the plagiarism discussion page
It will encourage users to report such cases and bring hope that the action will be taken on cheating cases

@justani @admin

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you’ve already said this many times in posts, and made your own post as well. I think you should just say it once in a separate post.

i’m sorry i was really frustrated upon myself for not be able to answer those problems so my impatient self did spam the question TuT i’m really sorry @raygeng

its fine, you don’t need to be sorry

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thank you so much i was afraid to post since i’ve asked some doubt in stack overflow and those people were like i know the answer but i can’t tell you because that was not the place for the question i asked it seems and i never went back, these forums and community kind stuff with lot of categories are new to me thank you so much for understanding and being kind enough :smiley:

no problem @tech_ninja_632

I’m also quite new