Seems this year Codevita is comparatively tougher than previous years. I managed to solve question D fully and question A partially. Zone graph of my question set is given below:
So from your graph it seems like people were able to solve only D question from this set. Am I correct ? Btw how do you know that you could partially solve a problem ?
I attempted zone 2. It was a bit more advanced than previous years yes, I could only solve one and another one was Wrong Answer on some private test cases. The problem for me was I couldn’t understand a couple of questions and I flagged them off as pretty vague and confusing.
Pata nhi bhai…mera set hard tha(this is excuse)+ coding nhi ati.
Count palindrome
Even odd
Moving average
Tennis Score
String merge.
Ye set tha
Bhai , please send me the link to their official Site and also the link to register for upcoming contest , Really I am not able to find the link and register for them