TTUPLE, Code doesn't work

Someone, please help me in understanding why this code doesn’t work. Am I missing out on some test case or maybe doing something extra ? Because I tried but couldn’t figure out the problem.

solution link

Thanks a lot, Have a great day!! @ssjgz

Can someone find out what is wrong in this ?

Help plzzzz

Test Case 1:
-47 51 69
3264 -3498 90
Expected Output: 2
Your Output: 3

Test Case 2:
51 -47 69
-3498 3264 90
Expected Output: 2
Your Output: 3

Test Case 3:
51 69 -47
-3498 90 3264
Expected Output: 2
Your Output: 3

Same with
51 69 -47
1281 1449 -37
Expected Output: 2

69 51 -47
1449 1281 -37
Expected Output: 2

69 -47 51
1449 -37 1281
Expected Output: 2

-47 69 51
-978 79 1081
Expected Output: 2

Check your program against these testcases they are showing wrong output.