Unable to see score for challenge problem

When I open my submissions page, I don’t see score for the accepted solutions. I don’t think the score is hidden as I can see the scores for other users.

If u r unable to see the score…it means that the score u have got is 0 for the challenge problem!!!


Your score (which is : [0.053pts] ) is being shown there…
Please recheck…!

Is this fixed? If yes, then can we close this question?

@anup we can see the scores on the my submissions page but not on the recent activity tab and recent submissions on the contest page. earlier it used to show there also

Did grading for challenge problem end? Check my submissions. There is not even a 0 pts remark. Any help how I can see my score?

My submissions to SEAVEC : CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

@mbrc the challenge problems are being re-judged right now. It will take quite some time i guess. You will be able to see the final score only by tomorrow i think

Okay. Thank you. :slight_smile: