Unable to understand cyclic rotation for specific elements

The problem goes as follows. You are given an array consisting of n integers. You have to process some queries which will modify the array and print the resulting array after each query. In each query, two numbers l and r are provided such that l>=0, r>=l, and r. In each query, two types of cyclic shifts are involved.

The elements that are at a position between l and r (inclusive) and at an even distance from l, i.e. positions {x | x>=l and x<=r and (x-l)%2 = 0}, are shifted cyclically left by an offset of 1
The elements that are at a position between l and r (inclusive) and at an odd distance from l, i.e. positions {x | x>=l and x<=r and (x-l)%2 = 1}, are shifted cyclically right by an offset of 1

A left cyclic shift by an offset 1 of an array A = {a[l], a[l+1], a[l+2], a[l+3], … a[r-1], a[r]} results in the array {a[l+1], a[l+2], a[l+3], … a[r], a[l]}. A right cyclic shift by an offset 1 of the array A results in the array {a[r], a[l+1], a[l+2], … a[r-2], a[r-1]}.

After each query, you will have to print the resulting array in a new line and use the new array as the initial array for the next input. Note the original array gets modified after a query, and the next query will be executed on the transformed array.

Input Format

The first line contains two integers, the number of elements in the array n and the number of queries q. The second line contains the array arr. The following q lines contain two integers, l and r each, representing one query.

Output Format

The output will contain a total of q lines, ith linw will contain the resulting array after ith query.

Example Input

6 3
1 2 3 4 5 6
0 5
2 2
3 5

Example Output

3 6 5 2 1 4
3 6 5 2 1 4
3 6 5 4 1 2


In the first query, we have cyclically left-shifted the numbers at positions {0,2,4} by an offset 1, and cyclically right-shifted the numbers at positions {1,3,5} by an offset 1. So, the resulting array will be {3,6,5,2,1,4}.
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