Unbalanced contest

Please create more balanced div2. First 3 questions were too easy and the rest were too hard. There is no middle ground.




I would sincerely urge everyone, who couldn’t solve the 4th question in the Div-2 round. Please try to implement basic Brute-force solution, and try to figure out, what are you doing wrong in the logic.

signed main() {
    int k = 12;

    long long n = (1LL << 16) - 1;
    int grid[4][4];
    int minXorVal = 50;
    long long minXorValFor = -1;
    // int k = 4; // Set the desired number of set bits

    repl(i, 0, n) {
        // count number of set bits in i;
        if(__builtin_popcount(i) == k) {
            rep(j, 16) {
                if(i & (1LL << j)) {
                    grid[j/4][j%4] = 1;
                } else {
                    grid[j/4][j%4] = 0;

            // xor of all the rows + columns
            int rowXor = 0;
            int colXor = 0;
            rep(j, 4) {
                int rowVal = 0;
                int colVal = 0;
                rep(l, 4) {
                    rowVal ^= grid[j][l];
                    colVal ^= grid[l][j];
                rowXor += rowVal;
                colXor += colVal;

            if(minXorVal > rowXor + colXor) {
                minXorVal = rowXor + colXor;
                minXorValFor = i;

    // print the min xor value and the value for the grid also.
    cout << "Min XOR value: " << minXorVal << endl;

    rep(j, 16) {
        if(minXorValFor & (1LL << j)) {
            grid[j/4][j%4] = 1;
        } else {
            grid[j/4][j%4] = 0;

    // print grid
    rep(i, 4) {
        rep(j, 4) {
            cout << grid[i][j] << " ";
        // new line

If you had simply implemented this piece of code, as bruteforce, and try to find optimal arrangement of k 1’s, You would have easily made observation.

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That’s a great insight. It took me a 1hr+ to rectify my mistake.

I don’t think 4th(SXMR) is hard. It’s just tricky. (though it took me a long time to recognize)
Even the 5th(LENGTHX) can be implemented easily with set and dp (just had an idea, didn’t try)

thats a really good idea. Didnt think in that direction during the contest.